Business Terms and Conditions


To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account.

What this means for you: When you open an account, we will ask for your name, address, date of birth, and other information that will allow us to identify you. We may also ask to see your driver's license or other identifying documents.


This document, along with any other documents we give you pertaining to your account(s), is a contract  (also referred to as "this agreement") that establishes rules which control your account(s) with us. Please read this carefully and retain it for future reference. If you open the account (whether in-person, electronically, or by any other method permitted by us) or continue to use the account after receiving a notice of change or amendment, you agree to these rules. You will receive a separate schedule of rates, qualifying balances, and fees if they are not included in this document. If you have any questions, please ask us.

This agreement is subject to applicable federal laws, the laws of the state of California and other applicable rules such as the operating letters of the Federal Reserve Banks and payment processing system rules (except to the extent that this agreement can and does vary such rules or laws). The body of state and federal law that governs our relationship with you, however, is too

large and complex to be reproduced here. The purpose of this document is to:

  1. summarize some laws that apply to common transactions;
  2. establish rules to cover transactions or events which the law does not regulate;
  3. establish rules for certain transactions or events which the law regulates but permits variation by agreement; and
  4. give you disclosures of some of our policies to which you may be entitled or in which you may be interested.

If any provision of this document is found to be unenforceable according to its terms, all remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect. We may permit some variations from our standard agreement, but we must agree to any variation in writing either on the signature card for your account or in some other document. Nothing in this document is intended to vary our duty to act in good faith and with ordinary care when required by law.

As used in this document the words “we,” “our,” and “us” mean the financial institution and the words “you” and “your” mean the account holder(s) and anyone else with the authority to deposit, withdraw, or exercise control over the funds in the account. However, this agreement does not intend, and the terms “you” and “your” should not be interpreted, to expand an individual’s

responsibility for an organization’s liability. If this account is owned by a corporation, partnership or other organization, individual liability is determined by the laws generally applicable to that type of organization. The headings in this document are for convenience or reference only and will not govern the interpretation of the provisions. Unless it would be inconsistent to do so,

words and phrases used in this document should be construed so the singular includes the plural and the plural includes the singular.


We may change any term of this agreement. For such changes, we will give you reasonable notice in writing or by any other method permitted by law. We may also suspend or terminate a service or close this account at any time upon reasonable notice to you and, if we close the account, tender of the account balance personally or by mail.

Reasonable notice depends on the circumstances, and in some cases, such as when we cannot verify your identity or we suspect fraud, it might be reasonable for us to give you notice after the change or account closure becomes effective. For instance, if we suspect fraudulent activity with respect to your account, we might immediately freeze or close your account and then give you notice. If we have notified you of a change in any term of your account and you continue to have your account after the effective date of the change, you have agreed to the new terms.

When you close your account, you are responsible for leaving enough money in the account to cover any outstanding items to be paid from the account. Items presented for payment after the account is closed may be dishonored. Note: Rules governing changes in interest rates are provided separately in the Truth-in-Savings disclosure or in another document. In addition, for changes governed by a specific law or regulation, we will follow the specific timing and format notice requirements of those laws or regulations.


Unless otherwise prohibited by law, you agree, if determined necessary in our reasonable discretion, to allow us to correct clerical errors, such as obtaining your missing signature, on any account documents or disclosures that are part of our agreement with you. For errors on your periodic statement, please refer to the STATEMENTS section.


Any written notice you give us is effective when we actually receive it, and it must be given to us according to the specific delivery instructions provided elsewhere, if any. We must receive any notice in time to have a reasonable opportunity to act on it. If a notice is regarding a check or other item, you must give us sufficient information to be able to identify the check or item, including the precise check or item number, amount, date and payee. Notice we give you via the United States Mail is effective when it is deposited in the United States Mail with proper postage and addressed to your mailing address we currently have on file. Notice we give you through your email of record, or other electronic method to which you agreed, will be treated as delivered to you when sent. Notice to any of you is notice to all of you.


This account may not be transferred or assigned without our prior written consent.


If the account documentation indicates that this is a temporary account agreement, each person who signs to open the account or has authority to make withdrawals (except as indicated to the contrary) may transact business on this account. However, we may at some time in the future restrict or prohibit further use of this account if you fail to comply with the requirements we have imposed within a reasonable time.


Funds in your account(s) with us are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States. The amount of insurance coverage you have depends on the number of accounts you have with us that are of different “ownership.” An individual account is one unique form of “ownership”; a joint account, a pay-on-death account, and a self-directed qualified retirement account (e.g., an IRA) are examples of some of the others. Deposit insurance for a person’s self-directed qualified retirement account is up to $250,000. (An IRA is a self-directed qualified retirement account as is any account where the owner decides where and how to invest the balance.) Funds are insured to $250,000 per depositor for the total of funds combined in all of your other insured accounts with us. If you want a more detailed explanation or additional information, you may ask us or contact the FDIC. You can also visit the FDIC website at and click on the Deposit Insurance link. The link includes detailed contact information as well as a deposit insurance estimator.


You agree, for yourself (and the person or entity you represent if you sign as a representative of another) to the terms of this account and the schedule of charges. You authorize us to deduct these charges, without notice to you, directly from the account balance as accrued. You will pay any additional reasonable charges for services you request which are not covered by this agreement.

Each of you also agrees to be jointly and severally (in solido) liable for any account shortage resulting from charges or overdrafts, whether caused by you or another with access to this account. This liability is due immediately, and we can deduct any amounts deposited into the account and apply those amounts to the shortage. You have no right to defer payment of this liability, and you are liable regardless of whether you signed the item or benefited from the charge or overdraft.

You will be liable for our costs as well as for our reasonable attorneys’ fees, to the extent permitted by law, whether incurred as a result of collection or in any other dispute involving your account. This includes, but is not limited to, disputes between you and another joint owner; you and an authorized signer or similar party; or a third party claiming an interest in your account. This also

includes any action that you or a third party takes regarding the account that causes us, in good faith, to seek the advice of an attorney, whether or not we become involved in the dispute. All costs and attorneys’ fees can be deducted from your account when they are incurred, without notice to you.


We may refuse to accept a deposit or an addition to an account, limit its size, or return all or part of it to you. We reserve the right to limit the amount of funds that may be maintained in an account. We will give only provisional credit until collection is final for any items, other than cash, we accept for deposit (including items drawn “on us”). Before settlement of any item becomes final, we act only as your agent, regardless of the form of indorsement or lack of indorsement on the item and even though we provide you provisional credit for the item. We may reverse any provisional credit for items that are lost, stolen, or returned.

Unless prohibited by law, we also reserve the right to charge back to your account the amount of any item deposited to your account or cashed for you which was initially paid by the payor bank and which is later returned to us due to an allegedly forged, unauthorized or missing indorsement, claim of alteration, encoding error, counterfeit cashier’s check or other problem which in our judgment justifies reversal of credit.

You authorize us to attempt to collect previously returned items without giving you notice, and in attempting to collect we may permit the payor bank to hold an item beyond the midnight deadline. Actual credit for deposits of, or payable in, foreign currency will be at the exchange rate in effect on final collection in U.S. dollars. We reserve the right to charge a fee. We are not responsible for transactions by mail or outside depository until we actually record them.

If you deliver a deposit to us and you will not be present when the deposit is counted, you must provide us an itemized list of the deposit (deposit slip). To process the deposit, we will verify and record the deposit, and credit the deposit to the account. If there are any discrepancies between the amounts shown on the itemized list of the deposit and the amount we determine to be the actual deposit, we will notify you of the discrepancy.

You will be entitled to credit only for the actual deposit as determined by us, regardless of what is stated on the itemized deposit slip. We will treat and record all transactions received after our “daily cutoff time” on a business day we are open, or received on a day we are not open for business, as if initiated on the next business day that we are open.

At our option, we may take an item for collection rather than for deposit. If we accept a third-party check or draft for deposit, we may require any third-party indorsers to verify or guarantee their indorsements, or indorse in our presence.


Requires a Night Drop Agreement. Our night drops require the use of a key and a key deposit is required. Refer to our Night Drop

Agreement for more information.


Any item that we accept for deposit or encashment is subject to later verification and final payment. We may deduct funds from your account if an item is lost, stolen or destroyed in the collection process, if it is returned to us unpaid, or if it was improperly paid, even if you have already used the funds. Cash deposits are also subject to

later verification.


Important terms for accounts where more than one person can withdraw - Unless clearly indicated otherwise on the account records, any of you, acting alone, who signs to open the account or has authority to make withdrawals may withdraw or transfer all or any part of the account balance at any time. Each of you (until we receive written notice to the contrary) authorizes each other person who signs or has authority to make withdrawals to indorse any item payable to you or your order for deposit to this account or any other transaction with us.

Postdated checks - A postdated check is one which bears a date later than the date on which the check is written. We may properly pay and charge your account for a postdated check even though payment was made before the date of the check, unless we have received written notice of the postdating in time to have a reasonable opportunity to act. Because we process checks mechanically, your notice will not be effective and we will not be liable for failing to honor your notice unless it precisely identifies the number, date, amount and payee of the item.

Checks and withdrawal rules - If you do not purchase your check blanks from us, you must be certain that we approve the check blanks you purchase. We may refuse any withdrawal or transfer request which you attempt on forms not approved by us or by any method we do not specifically permit. We may refuse any withdrawal or transfer request which is greater in number than the frequency permitted by our policy, or which is for an amount greater or less than any withdrawal limitations. We will use the date the transaction is completed by us (as opposed to the date you initiate it) to apply any frequency limitations. In addition, we may place limitations on the account until your identity is verified.

Even if we honor a nonconforming request, we are not required to do so later. If you violate the stated transaction limitations (if any), in our discretion we may close your account or reclassify your account as another type of account. If we reclassify your account, your account will be subject to the fees and earnings rules of the new account classification.

If we are presented with an item drawn against your account that would be a “substitute check,” as defined by law, but for an error or defect in the item introduced in the substitute check creation process, you agree that we may pay such item.

Cash withdrawals - We recommend you take care when making large cash withdrawals because carrying large amounts of cash may pose a danger to your personal safety. As an alternative to making a large cash withdrawal, you may want to consider a cashier's check or similar instrument. You assume full responsibility of any loss in the event the cash you withdraw is lost, stolen, or destroyed. You agree to hold us harmless from any loss you incur as a result of your decision to withdraw funds in the form of cash.

Foreign items and other non-routine items - We are not required to accept checks that are drawn on a non-U.S. bank or payable in a foreign currency and you agree not to deposit such items through our ATMs or our mobile application. Items drawn on non-U.S. banks, bond coupons, and any other unusual items are accepted for collection only and are not governed by our

funds availability disclosure. We may, but will not be required to, give you provisional credit for these items. Your Account will not be finally credited for the amount of such items until the payments are actually received by us. Refer to the Fee Schedule of fees applicable to such transactions.

The conversion rate in effect on the day of deposit may differ from the rate in effect on the day the funds are collected from the non-U.S. bank. If there is any difference in the deposit and the amount we collect for you, your account will be adjusted accordingly. For information regarding the exchange rate applied to international transactions using your Community West Bank ATM or Debit card, refer to your “Electronic Fund Transfers Your Rights and Responsibilities” section of your agreement.

Multiple signatures, electronic check conversion, and similar transactions - An electronic check conversion transaction is a transaction where a check or similar item is converted into an electronic fund transfer as defined in the Electronic Fund Transfers regulation. In these types of transactions the check or similar item is either removed from circulation (truncated) or given back to you.

As a result, we have no opportunity to review the signatures or otherwise examine the original check or item. You agree that, as to these or any items as to which we have no opportunity to examine the signatures, you waive any requirement of multiple signatures.

Notice of withdrawal - We reserve the right to require no less than 7 days’ notice in writing before each withdrawal from an interest-bearing account other than a demand deposit, time deposit, or from any other savings deposit as defined by Regulation D. (The law requires us to reserve this right, but it is not our general policy to use it.) Withdrawals from a time account prior to

maturity or prior to any notice period may be restricted and may be subject to penalty. See your separately provided notice of penalty for early withdrawal.


Generally - The information in this section is being provided to help you understand what happens if your account is overdrawn. Understanding the concepts of overdrafts and nonsufficient funds (NSF) is important and can help you avoid being assessed fees or charges. This section also provides contractual terms relating to overdrafts and NSF transactions.

An overdrawn account will typically result in you being charged an overdraft fee or an NSF fee. Generally, an overdraft occurs when there is not enough money in your account to pay for a transaction, but we pay (or cover) the transaction anyway. An NSF transaction is slightly different. In an NSF transaction, we do not cover the transaction. Instead, the transaction is rejected and the item or requested payment is returned. In either situation, we can charge you a fee.

Determining your available balance - We use the “available balance” method to determine whether your account is overdrawn, that is, whether there is enough money in your account to pay for a transaction. Importantly, your “available” balance may not be the same as your account’s “actual” balance. This means an overdraft or an NSF transaction could occur regardless of your account’s actual balance.

Your account’s actual balance (sometimes called the ledger balance) only includes transactions that have settled up to that point in time, that is, transactions (deposits and payments) that have posted to your account. The actual balance does not include outstanding transactions (such as checks that have not yet cleared and electronic transactions that have been authorized

but which are still pending). The balance on your periodic statement is the ledger balance for your account as of the statement date. 

As the name implies, your available balance is calculated based on the money “available” in your account to make payments. In other words, the available balance takes ACH credit transactions and debit card transactions that have been authorized, but not yet settled, and adds or subtracts them from the actual balance. In addition, when calculating your available balance, any

“holds” placed on deposits that have not yet cleared are also subtracted from the actual balance. For more information on how holds placed on funds in your account can impact your available balance, read the subsection titled “A temporary debit authorization hold affects your account balance.”

Overdrafts - You understand that we may, at our discretion, honor withdrawal requests that overdraw your account. However, the fact that we may honor withdrawal requests that overdraw the account balance does not obligate us to do so later. So you can NOT rely on us to pay overdrafts on your account regardless of how frequently or under what circumstances we have paid

overdrafts on your account in the past.

We can change our practice of paying, or not paying, discretionary overdrafts on your account without notice to you. You can ask us if we have other account services that might be available to you where we commit to paying overdrafts under certain circumstances, such as an overdraft protection line-of-credit or a plan to sweep funds from another account you have with us. You agree that we may charge fees for overdrafts.

For consumer accounts, we will not charge fees for overdrafts caused by ATM withdrawals or one-time debit card transactions if you have not opted-in to that service. We may use subsequent deposits, including direct deposits of social security or other government benefits, to cover such overdrafts and overdraft fees.

Nonsufficient funds (NSF) fees - If an item drafted by you (such as a check) or a transaction you set up (such as a preauthorized transfer) is presented for payment in an amount that is more than the amount of money available in your account, and we decide not to pay the item or transaction, you agree that we can charge you an NSF fee for returning the payment. Be aware that such

an item or payment may be presented multiple times by the merchant or other payee until it is paid and that we do not monitor or control the number of times a transaction is presented for payment.. 

You agree that we may charge you an NSF fee each time a payment is presented if the amount of money available in your account is not sufficient to cover the payment, regardless of the number of times the payment is presented. There is no limit to the number of times the item can be presented in an effort to be paid.

It is not our intent to charge you multiple times when the item is presented for payment; however, we may not be able to always differentiate whether an item is a first-time presentment or a re-presentment.

If our system charged an NSF Returned Item Fee(s) after the item was first presented, notify Customer Service (800) 298-1775 or your local banking center and we will reverse the duplicate NSF Returned Item Fee(s).

Payment types - Some, but not necessarily all, of the ways you can access the funds in your account include debit card transactions, automated clearing house (ACH) transactions, and check transactions. All these payment types can use different processing systems and some may take more or less time to post.

This information is important for a number of reasons. For example, keeping track of the checks you write and the timing of the preauthorized payments you set up will help you to know what other transactions might still post against your account. For information about how and when we process these different payment types, see the “Payment order of items” subsection below.

Balance information - Keeping track of your balance is important. You can review your balance in a number of ways including reviewing your periodic statement, reviewing your balance online, accessing your account information by phone, or coming into one of our branches.

Funds availability - Knowing when funds you deposit will be made available for withdrawal is another important concept that can help you avoid being assessed fees or charges.

Please see our funds availability disclosure (generally titled, “Your Ability to Withdraw Funds”) for information on when

different types of deposits will be made available for withdrawal. For an account to which our funds availability policy disclosure does not apply, you can ask us when you make a deposit when those funds will be available for withdrawal. An item may be returned after the funds from the deposit of that item are made available for withdrawal. In that case, we will reverse the credit

of the item. We may determine the amount of available funds in your account for the purpose of deciding whether to return an item for insufficient funds at any time between the times we receive the item and when we return the item or send a notice in lieu of return. We need only make one determination, but if we choose to make a subsequent determination, the account balance at the subsequent time will determine whether there are insufficient available funds.

A temporary debit authorization hold affects your account balance - On debit card purchases, merchants may request a temporary hold on your account for a specified sum of money when the merchant does not know the exact amount of the purchase at the time the card is authorized. The amount of the temporary hold may be more than the actual amount of your purchase.

Some common transactions where this occurs involve purchases of gasoline, hotel rooms, or meals at restaurants. When this happens, our processing system cannot determine that the amount of the hold exceeds the actual amount of your purchase.

This temporary hold, and the amount charged to your account, will eventually be adjusted to the actual amount of your purchase, but it could be three calendar days, or even longer in some cases, before the adjustment is made. Until the adjustment is made, the amount of funds in your account available for other transactions will be reduced by the amount of the temporary hold. If another transaction is presented for payment in an amount greater than the funds left after the deduction of the temporary hold amount, you will be charged an NSF or overdraft fee according to our NSF or overdraft fee policy.

You will be charged the fee even if you would have had sufficient funds in your account if the amount of the hold had been equal to the amount of your purchase.

Payment order of items - The order in which items are paid is important if there is not enough money in your account to pay all of the items that are presented. The payment order can affect the number of items overdrawn or returned unpaid and the amount of the fees you may have to pay. To assist you in managing your account, we are providing you with the following

information regarding how we process those items. Note that items may not be processed in the order they are received. 

When processing items drawn on your account, our policy is to pay ATM, then POS transactions, then ACH and then checks are processed. If an item contains a serial number (ie: check), the lowest serial number items are paid first so we are processing your items in the order in which you issued them. If an item does not contain a serial number, it is paid in the order presented to us.

If one or more checks, items, or transactions are presented without sufficient funds in your account to pay it, you will be charged an NSF or overdraft fee according to our NSF or overdraft fee policy, which may result in one or more overdraft or NSF fees. The amounts of the overdraft and NSF fees are disclosed elsewhere. We encourage you to make careful records and practice good account management. This will help you to avoid creating items without sufficient funds and potentially incurring the resulting fees.


Restricted transactions as defined in Federal Reserve Regulation GG are prohibited from being processed through this account or relationship. Restricted transactions generally include, but are not limited to, those in which credit, electronic fund transfers, checks, or drafts are knowingly accepted by gambling businesses in connection with the participation by others in unlawful Internet gambling.


If the name in which the account is held is fictitious, each account holder represents that one or more of the account holders have the right to use that name and have fulfilled all legal requirements for using and or doing business under that name.


You may wish to appoint an agent to conduct transactions on your behalf. (We, however, have no duty or agreement whatsoever to monitor or insure that the acts of the agent are for your benefit.)

This may be done by allowing your agent to sign in that capacity on the signature card or by separate form, such as a power of attorney. A power of attorney continues until your death or the death of the person given the power.

If the power of attorney is not “durable,” it is revoked when you become incompetent. We may continue to honor the transactions of the agent until: (a) we have received written notice or have actual knowledge of the termination of the authority or the death of an owner, and (b) we have had a reasonable opportunity to act on that notice or knowledge. You agree not to hold us responsible for any loss or damage you may incur as a result of our following instructions given by an agent acting under a valid power of attorney.


Accounts may be opened by a person acting in a fiduciary capacity. A fiduciary is someone who is appointed to act on behalf of and for the benefit of another. We are not responsible for the actions of a fiduciary, including the misuse of funds. This account may be opened and maintained by a person or persons named as a trustee under a written trust

agreement, or as executors, administrators, or conservators under court orders. You understand that by merely opening such an account, we are not acting in the capacity of a trustee in connection with the trust nor do we undertake any obligation to monitor or enforce the terms of the trust or letters.


Earnings in the form of interest, dividends, or credits will be paid only on collected funds, unless otherwise provided by law or our policy. You represent that you have the authority to open and conduct business on this account on behalf of the entity. We may require the governing body of the entity opening the account to give us a separate authorization telling us who is authorized to act on its behalf. We will honor the authorization until we actually receive written notice of a change from the governing body of the entity.

The owners of those accounts must notify us immediately if they discover any unauthorized transactions or errors, and must send us a written notice of the problem within a reasonable time (not to exceed 14 days from the date of discovery or their receipt of the first statement or notice reflecting the problem, whichever occurs first). Under no circumstances will we be liable for any special or consequential damages involving such accounts. The owners of such accounts assume sole responsibility for any unauthorized use of the account’s cards and/or PIN, and shall indemnify, defend and hold us harmless from all claims, actions, proceedings, losses and damages related to or arising out of any unauthorized transactions.

Changes in Account Ownership, Address and Authorized Signers - You agree to notify us immediately in writing of any change in your name, address, business capacity (e.g. sole proprietor to corporation), or the authorized signers on your account. We may require a new signature card before any change in ownership or authorized signers becomes effective. If the authorized persons on your account change, we may continue to honor items and instructions given earlier by any previously authorized person(s) until we receive specific notice from you in writing not to do so.

(Note: A new or updated signature card, by itself, does not constitute notice to terminate any pre-existing payment or transfer plan.) In some instances we may require you to close your account or provide us with stop payment orders in order to prevent transactions from occurring. There may be a delay in implementing a change in the authorized persons on our records, and you agree that we will be given a reasonable opportunity to make the changes necessary.


If you deposit funds that belong to others (“beneficial owners”) in an analyzed account, you represent to us that: (a) you are authorized by the beneficial owners to benefit from the use of any associated earnings credit, and (b) your use of the earnings credit will not violate any contract, law or regulation.

You also agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from and against any and all claims, actions, proceedings, losses, costs (including attorney fees and other charges), liabilities and/or damages that arise from your use of the Service or the manner in which you compensate or charge the beneficial owners for your use of our services. This provision shall survive the termination of this Agreement.


If you want to open an IOLTA account, you must indicate that when opening the account. Otherwise, we may assume that it is not an IOLTA account.


The rules in this section cover stopping payment of items such as checks and drafts. Rules for stopping payment of other types of

transfers of funds, such as consumer electronic fund transfers, may be established by law or our policy. If we have not disclosed these rules to you elsewhere, you may ask us about those rules.

We may accept an order to stop payment on any item from any one of you. You must make any stop-payment order in the manner required by law and we must receive it in time to give us a reasonable opportunity to act on it before our stop-payment cutoff time. Because the most effective way for us to execute a stop-payment order is by using an automated process, to be effective, your stop-payment order must precisely identify the number, date, and amount of the item, and the payee. 

You may stop payment on any item drawn on your account whether you sign the item or not. Generally, if your stop-payment order is given to us in writing it is effective for six months. Your order will lapse after that time if you do not renew the order in writing before the end of the six-month period. If the original stop-payment order was oral your stop-payment order will lapse after 14 calendar days if you do not confirm your order in writing within that time period.

ACH stop payment orders will remain in place until the earlier of your withdrawal of the stop payment order or six months from date of the stop payment order, unless it is renewed in writing. We are not obligated to notify you when a stop-payment order expires.

If you stop payment on an item and we incur any damages or expenses because of the stop payment, you agree to indemnify us for those damages or expenses, including attorneys’ fees. You assign to us all rights against the payee or any other holder of the item. You agree to cooperate with us in any legal actions that we may take against such persons. You should be aware that anyone holding the item may be entitled to enforce payment against you despite the stop-payment order.


A telephone transfer of funds from this account to another account with us, if otherwise arranged for or permitted, may be made by the same persons and under the same conditions generally applicable to withdrawals made in writing. Limitations on the number of telephonic transfers from a savings account, if any, are described elsewhere. Telephone transfers in excess of three per month may be subject to a separate transaction fee (Please refer to our separate Schedule of Fees).


Your duty to report unauthorized signatures (including forgeries and counterfeit checks) and alterations on checks and other items - You must examine your statement of account with “reasonable promptness.” If you discover (or reasonably should have discovered) any unauthorized signatures or alterations, you must promptly notify us of the relevant facts. As between you and us, if you fail to do either of these duties, you will have to either share the loss with us, or bear the loss entirely yourself (depending on whether we used ordinary care and, if not,

whether we contributed to the loss). The loss could be not only with respect to items on the statement but other items with unauthorized signatures or alterations by the same wrongdoer.

You agree that the time you have to examine your statement and report to us will depend on the circumstances, but will not, in any circumstance, exceed a total of 30 days from when the statement is first sent or made available to you.

You further agree that if you fail to report any unauthorized signatures, alterations or forgeries in your account within 60 days of when we first send or make the statement available, you cannot assert a claim against us on any items in that statement, and as between you and us the loss will be entirely yours.

This 60-day limitation is without regard to whether we used ordinary care. The limitation in this paragraph is in addition to that contained in the first paragraph of this section. If you are a business, you agree not to entrust the writing of checks and the

reconcilement and review of your account statements and notices to the same person without frequent monitoring. We may deny a claim for monetary loss due to forged, altered or unauthorized checks if you fail to follow these procedures.

Your duty to report other errors or problems - In addition to your duty to review your statements for unauthorized signatures, alterations and forgeries, you agree to examine your statement with reasonable promptness for any other error or problem - such as an encoding error or an unexpected deposit amount.

Also, if you receive or we make available either your items or images of your items, you must examine them for any unauthorized or missing indorsements or any other problems. You agree that the time you have to examine your statement and items and report to us will depend on the circumstances.

However, this time period shall not exceed 60 days. Failure to examine your statement and items and report any errors to us within 60 days of when we first send or make the statement available precludes you from asserting a claim against us for any errors on items identified in that statement and as between you and us the loss will be entirely yours.


If we are required for any reason to reimburse the federal government for all or any portion of a benefit payment that was directly deposited into your account, you authorize us to deduct the amount of our liability to the federal government from the account or from any other account you have with us, without prior notice and at any time, except as prohibited by law. We may also use any other available legal remedy to recover the amount of our liability.


We may (without prior notice and when permitted by law) set off the funds in this account against any due and payable debt any of you owe us now or in the future. The amount of the setoff may be further limited by applicable law. If this account is owned by one or more of you as individuals, we may set off any funds in the account against a due and payable debt a partnership owes us now or in the future, to the extent of your liability as a partner for the partnership debt.

If your debt arises from a promissory note, then the amount of the due and payable debt will be the full amount we have demanded, as entitled under the terms of the note, and this amount may include any portion of the balance for which we have properly accelerated the

due date.

This right of setoff does not apply to this account if prohibited by law. For example, the right of setoff does not apply to this account if: (a) it is an Individual Retirement Account or similar tax-deferred account, or (b) the debt is created by a consumer credit transaction under a credit card plan (but this does not affect our rights under any consensual security interest), or (c) the

debtor’s right of withdrawal only arises in a representative capacity.

We will not be liable for the dishonor of any check when the dishonor occurs because we set off a debt against this account. You agree to hold us harmless from any claim arising as a result of our exercise of our right of setoff.


The automated processing of the large volume of checks we receive prevents us from inspecting or looking for restrictive legends, restrictive indorsements or other special instructions on every check. For this reason, we are not required to honor any restrictive legend or indorsement or other special instruction placed on checks you write unless we have agreed in writing to the restriction or instruction.

Unless we have agreed in writing, we are not responsible for any losses, claims, damages, or expenses that result from your placement of these restrictions or instructions on your checks. Examples of restrictive legends placed on checks are “must be presented within 90 days” or “not valid for more than $1,000.00” or “Two Signatures Required”. The payee’s signature accompanied by the words “for deposit only” is an example of a restrictive indorsement.


We may charge a fee for anyone that does not have an account with us who is cashing a check, draft or other instrument written on your account. We may also require reasonable identification to cash a check, draft or other instrument. We can decide what identification is reasonable under the circumstances and such identification may be documentary or physical and may include collecting a thumbprint or fingerprint. We reserve the right to refuse to honor a check presented to us for payment at any time if

we cannot identify the person who is trying to cash it and we are unable to contact you.


If you truncate an original check and create a substitute check, or other paper or electronic image of the original check, you warrant that no one will be asked to make payment on the original check, a substitute check or any other electronic or paper image, if the payment obligation relating to the original check has already been paid.

You also warrant that any substitute check you create conforms to the legal requirements and generally accepted specifications for substitute checks. You agree to retain the original check in conformance with our policy for retaining original checks. You agree to indemnify us for any loss we may incur as a result of any truncated check transaction you initiate.

We can refuse to accept substitute checks that have not previously been warranted by a bank or other financial institution in conformance with the Check 21 Act. Unless specifically stated in a separate agreement between you and us, we do not have to accept any other electronic or paper image of an original check.


Unless you make advance arrangements with us, we have no obligation to honor facsimile signatures on your checks or other orders. If we do agree to honor items containing facsimile signatures, you authorize us, at any time, to charge you for all checks, drafts, or other orders, for the payment of money, that are drawn on us.

You give us this authority regardless of by whom or by what means the facsimile signature(s) may have been affixed so long as they resemble the facsimile signature specimen filed with us, and contain the required number of signatures for this purpose. You must notify us at once if you suspect that your facsimile signature is being or has been misused.


Like any standard check or draft, a remotely created check (sometimes called a telecheck, preauthorized draft or demand draft) is a check or draft that can be used to withdraw money from an account. Unlike a typical check or draft, however, a remotely created check is not issued by the paying bank and does not contain the signature of the account owner (or a signature purported to be the signature of the account owner).

In place of a signature, the check usually has a statement that the owner authorized the check or has the owner’s name typed or printed on the signature line.

You warrant and agree to the following for every remotely created check we receive from you for deposit or collection: (1) you have received express and verifiable authorization to create the check in the amount and to the payee that appears on the check; (2) you will maintain proof of the authorization for at least 2 years from the date of the authorization, and supply us the proof if we ask; and (3) if a check is returned you owe us the amount of the check, regardless of when the check is returned.

We may take funds from your account to pay the amount you owe us, and if there are insufficient funds in your account, you still owe us the remaining balance.

Checks - If you arrange for the printing of your own checks, the form, encoding and format of the checks must follow our check specification requirements and be approved by us in advance. We make checks available that include fraud prevention features.

If you choose not to use them or other checks that include fraud prevention features, you agree to assume a heightened degree of responsibility for safeguarding your checks, and for reviewing all returned checks and statements as soon as you receive them.

You agree to indemnify us for any loss we may incur as a result of the use of duplicate check numbers you initiate.

Checks lost or stolen - You agree to safeguard your blank and canceled checks, and to take reasonable steps to prevent their unauthorized use. If you are a business, you should store them under dual control in a secure, locked location that is accessible only to authorized personnel.

If your checks are lost or stolen, you agree to notify us immediately. For security reasons, we reserve the right to close your account and transfer the balance to a new account. If we do, all checks written but not yet paid may be returned to payees as “Account Closed” or “Refer to Maker.” You will be responsible for issuing any replacement checks.

When you cash or deposit a check or other item with us, we act as your agent to collect the item. You assume all risk of loss of an item in the process of collection.

We may reverse any credit given and any interest earned or accrued for a deposited item that is lost in transit, and we may recover from any account you maintain with us the funds given to you for a cashed item which is lost in transit. You will do everything reasonably within your ability to promptly assist us to find, identify or replace a lost item, including but not limited to maintaining a record of the maker of items delivered to us for deposit and collection.

We shall not be liable to you if an item is lost in the process of collection provided we exercised ordinary care in handling the item. In no event shall we be liable to you if you cannot identify the maker of the lost item.

Checks We Accept for Deposit - We reserve the right to refuse to deposit checks into your account if the checks are made payable to anyone other than the name established on the account.

Check Processing Cutoff Hour - Our processing cutoff hour with respect to any knowledge, notice, stop payment order, or legal process received by us involving a check is 10:30 a.m. The cutoff hour with respect to setoffs exercised by us is midnight of the banking day following the banking day we receive a check, or such later time by which we must return the check. The cutoff hour determines our obligation under state law to pay or return certain checks that have been received (but not finally paid) by us on the previous banking day.

Demand Drafts - If you provide your account number to a third party in order to charge your account by means of one or more demand drafts (i.e., items which do not bear your actual signature, but purport to be drawn with your authorization), you authorize us to pay such drafts, even though they do not contain your signature and may exceed the amounts you authorized to be charged. This provision shall not obligate us to honor demand drafts. We may refuse to honor demand drafts without cause or prior notice, even if we have honored similar items previously. We are not under any obligation to verify whether the name and account number shown on a demand draft are consistent.

You may not deposit demand drafts (items not bearing the maker’s signature, but purporting to be authorized by the maker) to an account with us without our prior, express written consent. If you deposit demand drafts with us, you agree that we may withhold a portion of the proceeds of such drafts or other funds in your account in a reserve account, in an amount that we reasonably believe may be needed to cover future chargebacks, returned items, and/or claims that such drafts were unauthorized. You grant us a security interest in the reserve account. Unless we agree otherwise in writing with you, reserve

funds shall not bear interest. Our right to charge your account for returned demand drafts will not be limited by the balance or existence of any reserve. Our rights with respect to the reserve, as well as the security interest granted to us, shall survive the termination of this agreement. We may discontinue accepting demand drafts at any time without cause or prior notice.


We are not obligated to accept a check for deposit. We may at our option, pay a check, other than a certified check, presented for payment more than six months after its date. If you do not want us to pay a stale-dated check, you must place a stop-payment order on the check in the manner we have described elsewhere.


We may accept for deposit any item payable to you or your order, even if they are not indorsed by you. We may give cash back to any one of you on specific account ownerships only. We may supply any missing indorsement(s) for any item we accept for deposit or collection, and you warrant that all indorsements are genuine.

To ensure that your check or share draft is processed without delay, you must indorse it (sign it on the back) in a specific area. Your entire indorsement (whether a signature or a stamp) along with any other indorsement information (e.g. additional indorsements, ID information, driver’s license number, etc.) must fall within 11/2” of the “trailing edge” of a check. Indorsements must be made in blue or black ink, so that they are readable by automated check processing equipment.

As you look at the front of a check, the “trailing edge” is the left edge. When you flip the check over, be sure to keep all indorsement information within 11/2” of that edge.

It is important that you confine the indorsement information to this area since the remaining blank space will be used by others in the processing of the check to place additional needed indorsements and information. You agree that you will indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless for any loss, liability, damage or expense that occurs because your indorsement, another

indorsement or information you have printed on the back of the check obscures our indorsement. These indorsement guidelines apply to both personal and business checks.


You agree to restrictively indorse any item transmitted through the Mobile Deposit Capture service as “FOR MOBILE DEPOSIT ONLY” and last 3-digits of your account number along with your signature or as otherwise instructed by the Bank. Indorsements must be made on the back of the share draft or check within 11/2 inches from the top edge, although we may accept indorsements outside this space. You agree to follow any and all other procedures and instructions for use of the Mobile Deposit Capture service as the Bank may establish from time to time. Any loss we incur from a delay or processing error resulting from an irregular indorsement or other markings by you will be your responsibility.


We process items mechanically by relying almost exclusively solely on the information encoded in magnetic ink along the bottom of the items. This means that we do not individually examine all of your items to determine if the item is properly completed, signed and indorsed or to determine if it contains any information other than what is encoded in magnetic ink. You agree that we have exercised ordinary care if our automated processing is consistent with general banking practice, even though we do not inspect each item. Because we do not inspect each item, if you write a check to multiple payees, we can properly pay the check regardless of the number of indorsements unless you notify us in writing that the check requires multiple indorsements. We must receive the notice in time for us to have a reasonable opportunity to act on it, and you must tell us the precise date of the check, amount, check number and payee. We are not responsible for any unauthorized signature or alteration that would not be identified by a reasonable inspection of the item. Using an automated process helps us keep costs down for you and all account holders. You agree that we may rely on such a process and that it will be deemed an acceptable standard of care on our part.


With the introduction of the Same Day Automated Clearing House process, any payment made by writing a paper check, made

by telephone or payments authorized via a biller’s website could clear your checking account on the same day you write the check or authorize the payment; therefore you must ensure that you don’t write checks when funds are not available to avoid non-payment and overdraft charges.


You agree that you will not receive your canceled checks. We will store your canceled checks or copies of them for a

reasonable retention period. You may request copies from us in the manner we require.


The law establishes procedures under which unclaimed property must be surrendered to the state. (We may have our own rules regarding dormant accounts, and if we charge a fee for dormant accounts it will be disclosed to you elsewhere.) If your account goes into a dormant status, your account will continue to be charged the regular monthly service charge. Please note, no statements are generated when your account is in dormant status.

Generally, the funds in your account are considered unclaimed if you have not had any activity or communication with us regarding your account over a period of years. Ask us if you want further information about the period of time or type of activity that will prevent your account from being unclaimed.

For security reasons, we may refuse a withdrawal or transfer from accounts we internally classify as dormant if we cannot reach you in a timely fashion to confirm the transaction’s authorization.

If your funds are surrendered to the state, you may be able to reclaim them, but your claim must be presented to the state. Once your funds are surrendered, we no longer have any liability or responsibility with respect to the funds.


Your property may be transferred to the appropriate state if no activity occurs in the account within the time period

specified by state law.


You agree to notify us promptly if any person with a right to withdraw funds from your account(s) dies or is adjudicated (determined by the appropriate official) incompetent. We may continue to honor your checks, items, and instructions until: (a) we know of your death or adjudication of incompetence, and (b) we have had a reasonable opportunity to act on that knowledge.

You agree that we may pay or certify checks drawn on or before the date of death or adjudication of incompetence for up to ten (10) days after your death or adjudication of incompetence unless ordered to stop payment by someone claiming an

interest in the account.


To help law enforcement agencies detect illegal activities, the law requires all financial institutions to gather and report information on some types of cash transactions. If the information we need to complete the report is not provided, we are required to refuse to handle the transaction. If you have any questions regarding these rules,

please contact your local Internal Revenue Service.


Federal tax law requires us to report interest payments we make to you of $10 or more in a year, and to include your taxpayer identification number (TIN) on the report (the taxpayer identification number is your social security number if you are an individual). Interest includes dividends, interest and bonus payments for purposes of this rule.

Therefore, we require you to provide us with your TIN and to certify that it is correct. In some circumstances, federal law requires us to withhold and pay to the IRS a percentage of the interest that is earned on funds in your accounts.

This is known as backup withholding. We will not have to withhold interest payments when you open your account if you certify your TIN and certify that you are not subject to backup withholding due to underreporting of interest.

(There are special rules if you do not have a TIN but have applied for one, if you are a foreign person, or if you are exempt from the reporting requirements.) We may subsequently be required to begin backup withholding if the IRS informs us that you supplied an incorrect TIN or that you underreported your interest income.


You agree that we may verify credit and employment history by any necessary means, including preparation of a credit report by a credit reporting agency.


Under some circumstances you may be able to assert a claim for the amount of a lost, destroyed, or stolen certified, cashier’s or teller’s check. To assert the claim: (a) you must be the remitter (or drawer of a certified check) or payee of the check, (b) we must receive notice from you describing the check with reasonable certainty and asking for payment of the amount of the check, (c) we must receive the notice in time for us to have a reasonable opportunity to act on it, and (d) you must give us a declaration (in a form we require) of your loss with respect to the check. You can ask us for a declaration form.

Even if all of these conditions are met, your claim may not be immediately enforceable. We may pay the check until the ninetieth day after the date of the check (or date of acceptance of a certified check).

Therefore, your claim is not enforceable until the ninetieth day after the date of the check or date of acceptance, and the conditions listed above have been met. If we have not already paid the check, on the day your claim is enforceable we become obligated to pay you the amount of the check. We will pay by cashiers check or credit funds to your account.

At our option, we may pay you the amount of the check before your claim becomes enforceable. However, we will require you to agree to indemnify us for any losses we might suffer. This means that if the check is presented after we pay your claim, and we pay the check, you are responsible to cover our losses. We may require you to provide a surety bond to assure that you can

pay us if we suffer a loss.


We may change your account to another product offered by us at any time by giving you notice that your account will be changed to another product on a specified date. If your account is a time account, the change will not occur before the next maturity date of your account. If you do not close your account before the date specified in the notice, we may change your account to that other product on the date specified in the notice.


You may deposit checks or drafts by mail. You should indorse the item being sent through the mail with the words “For Deposit Only” and should include your correct account number underneath to ensure the item is credited to the correct account. You should use the pre-encoded deposit slips found in your checkbook. If you do not use your deposit slip or provide us with instructions indicating how or where the item should be credited, we may apply it to any account or any loan balance you have with us or we may return the item to you. Receipts for such transactions will be mailed to you only if a self-addressed stamped envelope is provided. Following your deposit, examine your statement carefully or call us to ensure that we received the item. Do not send cash through the mail for deposit.


If we are served with a subpoena, restraining order, writ of attachment or execution, levy, garnishment, search warrant, or similar order relating to your account (termed “legal action” in this section), we will comply with that legal action as required by applicable law. However, nothing in this agreement shall be construed as a waiver of any rights you have have  under applicable law with regards to such legal action. Subject to applicable law, we may, in our sole discretion, choose to freeze the assets in any and all the account(s) and not allow any payments or transfers out of the account(s) until a final court determination regarding the legal action. We may do these things even if the legal action involves less than all of you. In these cases, we will not have any liability to you if there are insufficient funds to pay your items because we have withdrawn funds from your account or in any way restricted access to your funds in accordance with the legal action and applicable law. Any fees or expenses we incur in responding to any legal action (including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees and our internal expenses) may be charged against your account. The list of fees applicable to your account(s) provided elsewhere may specify additional fees that we may charge for certain legal actions.


Your duty to protect account information and methods of access - Our policy may require methods of verifying your identity before providing you with a service or allowing you access to your account. We can decide what identification is reasonable under the circumstances. For example, process and identification requirements may vary depending on whether they are

online or in person. Identification may be documentary or physical and may include collecting a fingerprint, voiceprint, or other biometric information.

It is your responsibility to protect the account numbers and electronic access devices (e.g., an ATM card) we provide you for your accounts. You should also safeguard your username, password, and other access and identifying information when accessing your account through a computer or other electronic, audio, or mobile device or technology. If you give anyone authority

to access the account on your behalf, you should exercise caution and ensure the trustworthiness of that agent. Do not discuss, compare, or share information about your account numbers with anyone unless you are willing to give them full use of your money.

An account number can be used by thieves to issue an electronic debit or to encode your number on a false demand draft which looks like and functions like an authorized check. If you furnish your access device or information and grant actual authority to make transfers to another person (a family member or coworker, for example) who then exceeds that authority, you are liable for the transfers unless we have been notified that transfers by that person are no longer authorized. Your account

number can also be used to electronically remove money from your account, and payment can be made from your account even though you did not contact us directly and order the payment.

You must also take precaution in safeguarding your blank checks. Notify us at once if you believe your checks have been lost or stolen. As between you and us, if you are negligent in safeguarding your checks, you must bear the loss entirely yourself or share the loss with us (we may have to share some of the loss if we failed to use ordinary care and if we substantially contributed to the loss).

Positive pay and other fraud prevention services - Except for consumer electronic fund transfers subject to Regulation E, you agree that if we offer you services appropriate for your account to help identify and limit fraud or other unauthorized transactions against your account, and you reject those services, you will be responsible for any fraudulent or unauthorized transactions which could have been prevented by the services we offered. You will not be responsible for such transactions if we acted in bad faith or to the extent our negligence contributed to the loss. Such services include positive pay or commercially reasonable security procedures. If we offered you a commercially reasonable security procedure which you reject, you agree that you are responsible for any payment order, whether authorized or not, that we accept in compliance with an alternative security procedure that you have selected. The positive pay service can help detect and prevent check fraud and is appropriate for account holders that issue: a high volume of checks, a lot of checks to the general public, or checks for large dollar amounts.


The following rules do not apply to a transaction or claim related to a consumer electronic fund transfer governed by Regulation E (e.g., an every day/one-time consumer debit card or ATM transaction). The error resolution procedures for consumer electronic fund transfers can be found in our initial Regulation E disclosure generally titled, “Electronic Fund Transfers.”

For other transactions or claims, if you claim a credit or refund because of a forgery, alteration, or any other unauthorized withdrawal, you agree to cooperate with

us in the investigation of the loss, including giving us an affidavit containing whatever reasonable information we require concerning your account, the transaction, and the circumstances surrounding the loss. We must receive your declaration within 10 days of our request.

You will notify law enforcement authorities of any criminal act related to the claim of lost, missing, or stolen checks or unauthorized withdrawals and provide us with a copy of the report, upon request. We will have a reasonable period of time to investigate the facts and circumstances surrounding any claim of loss.

During our investigation, we will have no obligation to provisionally credit your account, unless otherwise required by law (e.g., in connection with certain consumer electronic fund transfer services). Unless we have acted in bad faith, we will not be liable for special or consequential damages, including loss of profits or opportunity, or for attorneys’ fees incurred by you.

You agree that you will not waive any rights you have to recover your loss against anyone who is obligated to repay, insure, or otherwise reimburse you for your loss. You will pursue your rights or, at our option, assign them to us so that we may pursue them. Our liability will be reduced by the amount you recover or are entitled to recover from these other sources. If you have failed to exercise ordinary care and thereby contributed to the making of the forgery or alteration, we may not be fully responsible for the loss incurred.

EARLY WITHDRAWAL PENALTIES (and involuntary withdrawals)

We may impose early withdrawal penalties on a withdrawal from a time account even if you don’t initiate the withdrawal. For instance, the early withdrawal penalty may be imposed if the withdrawal is caused by our setoff against funds in the account or as a result of an attachment or other legal process.

We may close your account and impose the early withdrawal penalty on the entire account balance in the event of a partial early withdrawal. See your notice of penalty for early withdrawals for additional information.


You are responsible for notifying us of any change in your name, address, or other information we use to communicate with you. Unless we agree otherwise, notice of such a change must be made in writing. Informing us of your address or name change on a check reorder form is not sufficient. We will attempt to communicate with you only by use of the most recent information you have provided to us. If provided elsewhere, we may impose a service fee if we attempt to locate you.


We may place an administrative hold on the funds in your account (refuse payment or withdrawal of the funds) if it becomes subject to a claim adverse to (1) your own interest; (2) others claiming an interest as survivors or beneficiaries of your account; or (3) a claim arising by operation of law. The hold may be placed for such period of time as we believe reasonably necessary to allow a legal proceeding to determine the merits of the claim or until we receive evidence satisfactory to us that the dispute has been resolved. We will not be liable for any items that are dishonored as a consequence of placing a hold on funds in your account for these reasons.


If your account is a checking account, the following terms may apply. We offer NOW (interest bearing checking) accounts. The account must consist solely of funds in which the entire beneficial interest is held by one or more individuals in an individual capacity, a sole proprietor, or a governmental unit, but not professional corporations or business partnerships.

A NOW account may also be held by a for profit organization serving in a fiduciary or trustee capacity for an entity that is itself permitted to hold a NOW account. Otherwise, an organization may hold a NOW account only if it is operated primarily for religious, philanthropic, charitable, educational, or other similar purpose.

Checking Sub-Accounts. If you have a checking account or interest checking (NOW) account, your account consists of a transaction subaccount and a savings sub-account. This structure will not affect your available balance, service charges, FDIC insurance, interest earnings, your statement or any other feature of your account. Funds not routinely needed to pay debits may be periodically transferred to the savings sub-account.

A transfer from the savings sub-account back to the transaction sub-account will fund items in excess of the balance in the transaction sub-account. The remainder of your balance will be maintained in the transaction sub-account. If interest is paid on your account balance, the interest calculation will be the same for both the savings sub-account and the transaction sub-account. If interest is not paid on your account balance, the savings sub-account will be non-interest bearing.


We reserve the right to close your checking or savings account if your balance is at zero.


Unless required by law or we have agreed otherwise in writing, we are not required to act upon instructions you give us via facsimile transmission, email, voicemail, or phone call to a facsimile number, email address, or phone number not designated by us for a particular purpose or for a purpose that is unrelated to the request or instruction.


Subject to federal and state law, we may monitor or record phone calls for security reasons, to maintain a record and to ensure that you receive courteous and efficient service. You consent in advance to any such recording.

To provide you with the best possible service in our ongoing business relationship for your account, we may need to contact you about your account from time to time by telephone, text messaging, or email. In contacting you about your account, we may use any telephone numbers or email addresses that you have previously provided to us by virtue of an existing business relationship or that you may subsequently provide to us.

You acknowledge that the number we use to contact you may be assigned to a landline, a paging service, a cellular wireless service, a specialized mobile radio service, other radio common carrier service, or any other service for which you may be charged for the call. You acknowledge that we may contact you by voice, voicemail, or text messaging. You further acknowledge that we may use pre-recorded voice messages, artificial voice messages, or automatic telephone dialing systems.

If necessary, you may change or remove any of the telephone numbers, email addresses, or other methods of contacting you at any time using any reasonable means to notify us.


To the extent permitted by law, you waive any notice of non-payment, dishonor or protest regarding any items credited to or

charged against your account. For example, if you deposit an item and it is returned unpaid or we receive a notice of nonpayment, we do not have to notify you unless required by federal Regulation CC or other law.


The terms used in this section have the meaning given to them in Article 4A of the Uniform Commercial Code - Funds Transfers (UCC 4A). This section will generally not apply to you if you are a consumer. However, even if you are a consumer, this section will apply to that part of any funds transfer that is conducted by Fedwire. This section is subject to UCC 4A as adopted in the state in which you have your deposit with us.

This agreement is also subject to all clearing house association rules, rules of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and their operating circulars. If any part of this agreement is determined to be unenforceable, the rest of the agreement remains effective. This agreement controls funds transfers unless supplemented or amended in a separate written agreement signed by us.

This agreement does not apply to a funds transfer if any part of the transfer is governed by the Electronic Fund Transfer Act of 1978 (EFTA), except this agreement does apply to a funds transfer that is a remittance transfer as defined in EFTA unless the remittance transfer is an electronic fund transfer as defined in EFTA.

Funds transfer - A funds transfer is the transaction or series of transactions that begin with the originator’s payment order, made for the purpose of making payment to the beneficiary of the order. A funds transfer is completed by the acceptance by the beneficiary’s bank of a payment order for the benefit of the beneficiary of the originator’s order. You may give us a payment order orally, electronically, or in writing, but your order cannot state any condition to payment to the beneficiary other than the time of payment. Credit entries may be made by ACH.

Authorized account - An authorized account is a deposit account you have with us that you have designated as a source of payment of payment orders you issue to us. If you have not designated an authorized account, any account you have with us is an authorized account to the extent that payment of the payment order is not inconsistent with the use of the account.

Acceptance of your payment order - We are not obligated to accept any payment order that you give us, although we normally will accept your payment order if you have a withdrawable credit in an authorized account sufficient to cover the order. If we do not execute your payment order, but give you notice of our rejection of your payment order after the execution date or

give you no notice, we are not liable to pay you as restitution any interest on a withdrawable credit in a non-interest-bearing account.

Cutoff time - If we do not receive your payment order or communication canceling or amending a payment order before our cutoff time on a funds transfer day for that type of order or communication, the order or communication will be deemed to be received at the opening of our next funds transfer business day.

Payment of your order - If we accept a payment order you give us, we may receive payment by automatically deducting from any authorized account the amount of the payment order plus the amount of any expenses and charges for our services in execution of your payment order. We are entitled to payment on the payment or execution date. Unless your payment order

specifies otherwise, the payment or execution date is the funds transfer date we receive the payment order. The funds transfer is completed upon acceptance by the beneficiary’s bank.

Your obligation to pay your payment order is excused if the funds transfer is not completed, but you are still responsible to pay us any expenses and charges for our services. However, if you told us to route the funds transfer through an intermediate bank, and we are unable to obtain a refund because the intermediate bank that you designated has suspended payments, then you are still obligated to pay us for the payment order. You will not be entitled to interest on any refund you receive because the beneficiary’s bank does not accept the payment order.

Security procedure - As described more fully in a separate writing, the authenticity of a payment order or communication canceling or amending a payment order issued in your name as sender may be verified by a security procedure. You affirm that you have no circumstances which are relevant to the determination of a commercially reasonable security procedure unless

those circumstances are expressly contained in a separate writing signed by us. You may choose from one or more security procedures that we have developed, or you may develop your own security procedure if it is acceptable to us. If you refuse a commercially reasonable security procedure that we have offered you, you agree that you will be bound by any payment order

issued in your name, whether or not authorized, that we accept in good faith and in compliance with the security procedure you have chosen.

Duty to report unauthorized or erroneous payment - You must exercise ordinary care to determine that all payment orders or amendments to payment orders that we accept that are issued in your name are authorized, enforceable, in the correct amount, to the correct beneficiary, and not otherwise erroneous. If you discover (or with reasonable care should have discovered) an unauthorized, unenforceable, or erroneously executed payment order or amendment, you must exercise ordinary care to notify us of the relevant facts.

The time you have to notify us will depend on the circumstances, but that time will not in any circumstance exceed 14 days from when you are notified of our acceptance or execution of the payment order or amendment or that your account was debited with respect to the order or amendment. If you do not provide us with timely notice you will not be entitled to interest on any refundable amount.

If we can prove that you failed to perform either of these duties with respect to an erroneous payment and that we incurred a loss as a result of the failure, you are liable to us for the amount of the loss not exceeding the amount of your order.

Identifying number - If your payment order identifies an intermediate bank, beneficiary bank, or beneficiary by name and number, we and every receiving or beneficiary bank may rely upon the identifying number rather than the name to make payment, even if the number identifies an intermediate bank or person different than the bank or beneficiary identified by name.

Neither we nor any receiving or beneficiary bank have any responsibility to determine whether the name and identifying number refer to the same financial institution or person. Record of oral or telephone orders - You agree that we may, if we choose, record any oral or telephone payment order or communication of amendment or cancelation.

Notice of credit - If we receive a payment order to credit an account you have with us, we are not required to provide you with any notice of the payment order or the credit. However, we will continue to notify you of the receipt of payments in periodic statements we provide to you. Funds from IAT (International ACH Transactions) may be delayed from time to time for further investigations.

Provisional credit - You agree to be bound by the automated clearing house association operating rules that provide that payments made to you or originated by you by funds transfer through the automated clearing house system are provisional until final settlement is made through a Federal Reserve Bank or otherwise payment is made as provided in Article 4A-403(a) of the Uniform Commercial Code.

Refund of credit - You agree that if we do not receive payment of an amount credited to your account, we are entitled to a refund from you in the amount credited and the party originating such payment will not be considered to have paid the amount so credited.

Amendment of funds transfer agreement - From time to time we may amend any term of this agreement by giving you reasonable notice in writing. We may give notice to anyone who is authorized to send payment orders to us in your name, or to anyone who is authorized to accept service.

Cancelation or amendment of payment order - You may cancel or amend a payment order you give us only if we receive the communication of cancelation or amendment before our cutoff time and in time to have a reasonable opportunity to act on it before we accept the payment order. The communication of cancelation or amendment must be presented in conformity with the same security procedure that has been agreed to for payment orders.

Intermediaries - We are not liable for the actions of any intermediary, regardless of whether or not we selected the intermediary. We are not responsible for acts of God, outside agencies, or non-salaried agents.

Limit on liability - You waive any claim you may have against us for consequential or special damages, including loss of profit arising out of a payment order or funds transfer, unless this waiver is prohibited by law. We are not responsible for attorney fees you might incur due to erroneous execution of payment order.

Erroneous execution - If we receive an order to pay you, and we erroneously pay you more than the amount of the payment order, we are entitled to recover from you the amount in excess of the amount of the payment order, regardless of whether you may have some claim to the excess amount against the originator of the order.

Objection to payment - If we give you a notice that reasonably identifies a payment order issued in your name as sender that we have accepted and received payment for, you cannot claim that we are not entitled to retain the payment unless you notify us of your objection to the payment within one year of our notice to you.

International ACH Transactions - Financial institutions are required by law to scrutinize or verify any international ACH transaction (IAT) that they receive against the Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) list of the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). This action may, from time to time, cause us to temporarily suspend processing of an IAT and potentially affect the

settlement and/or availability of such payments.


Federal law requires us to provide the following notice to customers before any "negative information" may be furnished to a nationwide consumer reporting agency. "Negative information" includes information concerning delinquencies, overdrafts or any form of default. This notice does not mean that we will be reporting such information about you, only that we may report such information about customers that have not done what they are required to do under our agreement.

After providing this notice, additional negative information may be submitted without providing another notice.

We may report information about your account to credit bureaus. Late payments, missed payments or other defaults on your account may be reflected in your credit report.


This policy statement applies to “transaction” accounts and savings accounts. Transaction accounts, in general, are accounts which permit an unlimited number of payments to third persons and an unlimited number of telephone and preauthorized transfers to other accounts of yours with us. Checking accounts are the most common transaction accounts. Feel free to

ask us whether any of your other accounts might also be under this policy.

Our policy is to make funds from your cash and check deposits available to you on the first business day after the day we receive your deposit. Electronic direct deposits will be available on the day we receive the deposit. Once the funds are available, you can withdraw them in cash and we will use the funds to pay checks that you have written. REMOTE DEPOSIT CAPTURE CUSTOMERS: Please refer to your Remote Deposit Capture Agreement.

Please remember that even after we have made funds available to you, and you have withdrawn the funds, you are still responsible for checks you deposit that are returned to us unpaid and for any other problems involving your deposit.

For determining the availability of your deposits, every day is a business day, except Saturdays, Sundays, and federal holidays. If you make a deposit before 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, on a business day that we are open, we will consider that day to be the day of your deposit. However, if you make a deposit after 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday or on a day we are not open,

we will consider that the deposit was made on the next business day we are open.

If you make a deposit at an ATM before 3:30 P.M. on a business day that we are open, we will consider that day to be the day of your deposit. However, if you make a deposit at an ATM after 3:30 P.M. or on a day we are not open, we will consider that the deposit was made on the next business day we are open.

If we cash a check for you that is drawn on another bank, we may withhold the availability of a corresponding amount of funds that are already in your account. Those funds will be available at the time funds from the check we cashed would have been available if you had deposited it.

If we accept for deposit a check that is drawn on another bank, we may make funds from the deposit available for withdrawal immediately but delay your availability to withdraw a corresponding amount of funds that you have on deposit in another account with us. The funds in the other account would then not be available for withdrawal until the time periods that are described elsewhere in this disclosure for the type of check that you deposited.

If you make a deposit through our Mobile Deposit Capture service and the check/item deposit is received prior to 5:00 P.M., Pacific Standard Time, it will be processed on the business day of receipt and available for withdrawal the day following the date of deposit provided that an extended hold has not been placed on the account. Any check image deposit received after this time or on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays when Community West Bank is closed will be processed on the Bank’s next business day. Acknowledgement that your check image deposit has been received by the Bank does not mean that the check image deposit was received error free.


Case-by-case delays. In some cases, we will not make all of the funds that you deposit by check available to you on the first business day after the day of your deposit. Depending on the type of check that you deposit, funds may not be available until the second business day after the day of your deposit. The first $225 of your deposits, however, will be available on the first business day.

If we are not going to make all of the funds from your deposit available on the first business day, we will notify you at the time you make your deposit.  We will also tell you when the funds will be available. If your deposit is not made directly to one of our employees, or if we decide to take this action after you have left the premises, we will mail you the notice by the day after we

receive your deposit.

If you will need the funds from a deposit right away, you should ask us when the funds will be available.

Safeguard exceptions. In addition, funds you deposit by check may be delayed for a longer period under the following circumstances:

We believe a check you deposit will not be paid.

You deposit checks totaling more than $5,525 on any one day.

You redeposit a check that has been returned unpaid.

You have overdrawn your account repeatedly in the last six months.

There is an emergency, such as failure of computer or communications


We will notify you if we delay your ability to withdraw funds for any of these reasons, and we will tell you when the funds will be available. They will generally be available no later than the seventh business day after the day of your deposit.


If you are a new customer, the following special rules will apply during the first 30 days your account is open.

Funds from electronic direct deposits to your account will be available on the day we receive the deposit. Funds from deposits of cash, wire transfers, and the first $5,525 of a day’s total deposits of cashier’s, certified, teller’s, traveler’s, and federal, state and local government checks will be available on the first business day after the day of your deposit if the deposit meets certain conditions.

For example, the checks must be payable directly to you (and you may have to use a special deposit slip). The excess over $5,525 will be available on the ninth business day after the day of your deposit. If your deposit of these checks (other than a U.S. Treasury check) is not made in person to one of our employees, the first $5,525 will not be available until the second business day after the day of your deposit.

Funds from all other check deposits will be available on the seventh business day after the day of your deposit.


As our customer we think it's important for you to know about substitute checks. The following Substitute Check Disclosure provides information about substitute checks and your rights.

What is a substitute check?

To make check processing faster, federal law permits banks to replace original checks with “substitute checks.” These checks are similar in size to original checks with a slightly reduced image of the front and back of the original check. The front of a substitute check states: “This is a legal copy of your check. You can use it the same way you would use the original check.” You may use a substitute check as proof of payment just like the original check.

Some or all of the checks that you receive back from us may be substitute checks. This notice describes rights you have when you receive substitute checks from us. The rights in this notice do not apply to original checks or to electronic debits to your account. However, you have rights under other law with respect to those transactions.

What are my rights regarding substitute checks?

In certain cases, federal law provides a special procedure that allows you to request a refund for losses you suffer if a substitute check is posted to your account (for example, if you think that we withdrew the wrong amount from your account or that we withdrew money from your account more than once for the same check).  The losses you may attempt to recover under this procedure may include the amount that was withdrawn from your account and fees that were charged as a result of the withdrawal (for example, bounced check fees).

The amount of your refund under this procedure is limited to the amount of your loss or the amount of the substitute check, whichever is less. You also are entitled to interest on the amount of your refund if your account is an interest-bearing account. If your loss exceeds the amount of the substitute check, you may be able to recover additional amounts under other law.

If you use this procedure, you may receive up to $2,500 of your refund (plus interest if your account earns interest) within 10 business days after we received your claim and the remainder of your refund (plus interest if your account earns interest) not later than 45 calendar days after we received your claim.

We may reverse the refund (including any interest on the refund) if we later are able to demonstrate that the substitute check was correctly posted to your account.

How do I make a claim for a refund?

If you believe that you have suffered a loss relating to a substitute check that you received and that was posted to your account, please contact us at:

Community West Bank

Customer Support

7100 N Financial Dr., Ste. 101

Fresno, CA 93720


You must contact us within 40 calendar days of the date that we mailed (or otherwise delivered by a means to which you agreed) the substitute check in question or from the statement date where the error appears, whichever is later. We will extend this time period if you were not able to make a timely claim because of extraordinary circumstances.

Your claim must include —

  • A description of why you have suffered a loss (for example, you think the amount withdrawn was incorrect);
  • An estimate of the amount of your loss;
  • An explanation of why the substitute check you received is insufficient to confirm that you suffered a loss; and
  • A copy of the substitute check or the following information to help us identify the substitute check: the check number, the amount of the check, the date of the check, the name of the person to whom you wrote the check, and signer on the check.


Available to Corporations and Limited Liability Companies


Available to Sole Proprietorships and Non-Profit Organizations

Minimum balance to open account - You must deposit $100.00 to open this account.


Rate information - This is a “Non-Interest Bearing” account.


Minimum balance to avoid imposition of monthly service charge - A service charge fee of $22.00 will be imposed every statement cycle if the balance in the account falls below $2,500.00 on any day of the statement cycle or a monthly average balance of $5,000.00.

Enrollment in e-Statements will reduce the monthly service charge from $22.00 to $20.00. Requires a valid email address.


Other Limitations - High volume accounts are subject to cost analysis.

  • A $0.30 per item fee will be charged for each debit exceeding a quantity of 150 each statement cycle;
  • A $1.50 per item fee will be charged for each credit exceeding a quantity of 20 each statement cycle.


Available to Corporations and Limited Liability Companies


Available to Sole Proprietorships and Non-Profit Organizations

Service Charges - A monthly service charge fee of $24.00 will be imposed every statement cycle.

Minimum balance to avoid imposition of monthly service charge - A service charge fee of $24.00 will be imposed every statement cycle if the balance in the account falls below $3,500.00 on any day of the statement cycle or a monthly average balance of $7,000.00. Enrollment in e-Statements will reduce the monthly service charge to $22.00. Requires a valid e-mail address.

Minimum daily balance to earn interest - $5,000.00 (No interest earned on days the balance falls below $5,000.00).

Minimum balance to obtain the annual percentage yield disclosed - You must maintain a minimum balance of $5,000.00 in the account each day to obtain the disclosed annual percentage yield.

Rate information - Your interest rate and annual percentage yield may change. This account is a tiered-rate account. The interest rate and annual percentage yield for your account depends upon the applicable rate tier.

Frequency of rate changes - We may change the interest rate on your account at any time.

Determination of rate - At our discretion, we may change the interest rate on your account.

Compounding and crediting frequency - Interest will not be compounded. Interest will be credited to your account every month.

Daily balance computation method - We use the daily balance method to calculate the interest on your account. This method applies a daily periodic rate to the collected balance each day.

Accrual of interest on non-cash deposits - Interest begins to accrue no later than the business day we receive credit for the deposit of noncash items (for example - checks).

Effect of closing an account - If you close your account before interest is credited, you will not receive the accrued interest.

Minimum balance to avoid imposition of monthly service charge - A service charge fee of $24.00 will be imposed every statement cycle if the balance in the account falls below $3,500.00 on any day of the statement cycle or a monthly average balance of $7,000.00. Enrollment in e-Statements will reduce the monthly service charge from $24.00 to $22.00. Requires a valid e-mail address.

Other Limitations - High volume accounts are subject to cost analysis.

  • A $0.30 per item fee will be charged for each debit exceeding a quantity of 150 each statement cycle;
  • A $1.50 per item fee will be charged for each credit exceeding a quantity of 20 each statement cycle.
  • Interest earned is deducted from earnings credit when on analysis.

*Sole-Proprietorship Checking Accounts are eligible for Occasional Overdraft Service


(Available to Corporations, Partnerships and Limited Liability Corporations)

Minimum balance to open account - You must deposit $500.00 to open this account.

Minimum daily balance to earn interest - $10,000.00 (No interest earned on days the balance falls below $10,000.00).

Service Charges - A monthly service charge fee of $27.00 will be imposed every statement cycle.

Minimum balance to avoid imposition of monthly service charge - A service charge fee of $27.00 will be imposed every statement cycle if the balance in the account falls below $5,000.00 on any day of the statement cycle or a monthly average balance of $7,500.00.

Enrollment in e-Statements will reduce the monthly service charge to $25.00.

Requires a valid email address.

Minimum balance to obtain the annual percentage yield disclosed - You must maintain a minimum balance of $10,000.00 in the account each day to obtain the disclosed annual percentage yield.

Rate information - Your interest rate and annual percentage yield may change. This account is a tiered-rate account. The interest rate and annual percentage yield for your account depends upon the applicable rate tier.

Frequency of rate changes - We may change the interest rate on your account at any time.

Determination of rate - At our discretion, we may change the interest rate on your account.

Compounding and crediting frequency - Interest will not be compounded. Interest will be credited to your account every month.

Daily balance computation method - We use the daily balance method to calculate the interest on your account. This method applies a daily periodic rate to the collected balance each day.

Accrual of interest on non-cash deposits - Interest begins to accrue no later than the business day we receive credit for the deposit of noncash items (for example - checks).

Effect of closing an account - If you close your account before interest is credited, you will not receive the accrued interest.

Minimum balance to avoid imposition of monthly service charge - A service charge fee of $27.00 will be imposed every statement cycle if the balance in the account falls below $5,000.00 on any day of the statement cycle or a monthly average balance of $7,500.00.

Enrollment in e-Statements will reduce the monthly service charge from $27.00 to $25.00. Requires a valid email address.

7 Day Notice - This account is not subject to the requirement to provide us with 7 days’ notice before each withdrawal.

Other Limitations - High volume accounts are subject to cost analysis.

  • A $0.30 per item fee will be charged for each debit exceeding a quantity of 150 each statement cycle;
  • A $1.50 per item fee will be charged for each credit exceeding a quantity of 20 each statement cycle.
  • Interest earned is deducted from earnings credit when on analysis.


Restricted - Prior Approval Required

Minimum balance to open the account - You must deposit $500.00 to open this account.

Minimum balance to avoid imposition of monthly service charge - A service charge fee of $22.00 will be imposed every statement cycle if the balance in the account falls below $5,000.00 any day of the statement cycle or a monthly average balance of $7,500.00.

Enrollment in e-Statements will reduce the monthly service charge from $22.00 to $20.00. Requires a valid email address.

Minimum daily balance to earn interest - $5,000.00 (No interest earned on days the balance falls below $5,000.00).

Minimum balance to obtain the annual percentage yield disclosed - You must maintain a minimum balance of $5,000.00 in the account each day to obtain the disclosed annual percentage yield.

Rate Information - Your interest rate and annual percentage yield may change. This account is a tiered-rate account. The interest rate and annual percentage yield for your account depends upon the applicable rate tier.

Frequency of rate changes - We may change the interest rate on your account at any time.

Determination of rate - At our discretion, we may change the interest rate on your account.

Compounding and crediting frequency - Interest will not be compounded. Interest will be credited to your account every month.

Effect of closing an account - If you close your account before interest is credited, you will not receive the accrued interest.

Daily balance computation method - We use the daily balance method to calculate the interest on your account. This method applies a daily periodic rate to the principal in the account each day.

Accrual of interest on noncash deposits - Interest begins to accrue no later than the business day we receive credit for the deposit of noncash items (for example, checks).

Transaction fees:

There are no per item transaction fees.

Other limitations:

Interest earned is deducted from earnings credit when on analysis. Contact your account officer for more information.


(Available to Non-Profit Organizations, Unincorporated Lodges, Associations and Non-Profit Corporations)

Minimum balance to open account - You must deposit $100.00 to open this account.

Rate information - This is a “Non-Interest Bearing” account.

Service Charges - A monthly service charge fee of $8.00 will be imposed every statement cycle.

Minimum balance to avoid imposition of monthly service charge - A service charge fee of $8.00 will be imposed every statement cycle if the balance in the account falls below $2,500.00 on any day of the cycle or a monthly average balance of $5,000.00.

Enrollment in e-Statements will waive the monthly service charge from $5.00 to $0.00. Requires a valid email address.

Other Limitations - High volume accounts are subject to cost analysis

  • A $0.30 per item fee will be charged for each debit exceeding a quantity of 150 each statement cycle;
  • A $1.50 per item fee will be charged for each credit exceeding a quantity of 20 each statement cycle.


(Available to Sole-Proprietorships)

Minimum balance to open the account - You must deposit $100.00 to open this account.

Rate Information - Your interest rate and annual percentage yield may change. This account is a tiered-rate account. The interest rate and annual percentage yield for your account depends upon the applicable rate tier.

Frequency of rate changes - We may change the interest rate on your account at any time.

Determination of rate - At our discretion, we may change the interest rate on your account.

Compounding and crediting frequency - Interest will not be compounded. Interest will be credited to your account every month.

Effect of closing an account - If you close your account before interest is credited, you will not receive the accrued interest.

Daily balance computation method - We use the daily balance method to calculate the interest on your account. This method applies a daily periodic rate to the principal in the account each day.

Accrual of interest on noncash deposits - Interest begins to accrue no later than the business day we receive credit for the deposit of noncash items (for example, checks).

Transaction fees:

There is no monthly service charge or per item transaction fees.


(Available to Public Entities)

Minimum balance to open the account - You must deposit $100.00 to open this account.

Service Charges - A monthly service charge fee of $20.00 will be imposed every statement cycle.

Minimum balance to avoid imposition of monthly service charge - A service charge fee of $20.00 will be imposed every statement cycle if the balance in the account falls below $2,500.00 any day of the cycle or a monthly average balance of $5,000.00.

Rate information - This is a “Non-Interest Bearing” account.

Other Limitations - High volume accounts are subject to cost analysis.

  • A $0.30 per item fee will be charged for each debit exceeding a quantity of 150 each statement cycle;
  • A $1.50 per item fee will be charged for each credit exceeding a quantity of 20 each statement cycle.


Minimum balance to open the account - You must deposit $100.00 to open this account.

Minimum daily balance to earn interest - $5,000.00, or an average monthly balance of $7,500.00 (No interest earned on days the balance falls below $5,000.00).

Minimum balance to avoid imposition of monthly service charge - A service charge fee of $22.00 will be imposed every statement cycle if the balance in the account falls below $5,000.00 any day of the cycle or a monthly average balance of $7,500.00.

Minimum balance to obtain the annual percentage yield disclosed - You must maintain a minimum balance of $5,000.00 in the account each day to obtain the disclosed annual percentage yield.

Rate Information - Your interest rate and annual percentage yield may change. This account is a tiered-rate account. The interest rate and annual percentage yield for your account depends upon the applicable rate tier.

Frequency of rate changes - We may change the interest rate on your account at any time.

Determination of rate - At our discretion, we may change the interest rate on your account.

Compounding and crediting frequency - Interest will not be compounded. Interest will be credited to your account every month.

Effect of closing an account - If you close your account before interest is credited, you will not receive the accrued interest.

Daily balance computation method - We use the daily balance method to calculate the interest on your account. This method applies a daily periodic rate to the principal in the account each day.

Accrual of interest on noncash deposits - Interest begins to accrue no later than the business day we receive credit for the deposit of noncash items (for example, checks).

Other Limitations - High volume accounts are subject to cost analysis.

  • A $0.30 per item fee will be charged for each debit exceeding a quantity of 150 each statement cycle;
  • A $1.50 per item fee will be charged for each credit exceeding a quantity of 20 each statement cycle.
  • Interest earned is deducted from earnings credit when on analysis accounts. Contact your account officer for more information.


Minimum balance to open the account - You must deposit $5,000.00 to open this account.

Minimum daily balance to earn interest - $10,000.00 (No interest earned on days the balance falls below $10,000.00).

Minimum balance to avoid imposition of monthly service charge - A service charge fee of $25.00 will be imposed every statement cycle if the balance in the account falls below $10,000.00 any day of the cycle.

Rate Information - Your interest rate and annual percentage yield may change. This account is a tiered-rate account. The interest rate and annual percentage yield for your account depends upon the applicable rate tier.

Frequency of rate changes - We may change the interest rate on your account at any time.

Determination of rate - At our discretion, we may change the interest rate on your account.

Compounding and crediting frequency - Interest will not be compounded. Interest will be credited to your account every month.

Effect of closing an account - If you close your account before interest is credited, you will not receive the accrued interest.

7-Day Notice - This account is subject to the requirement to provide us with 7 days’ notice before each withdrawal. Minimum balance to obtain the annual percentage yield disclosed - You must maintain a minimum balance of $10,000.00 in the account each day to obtain the disclosed annual percentage yield.

Daily balance computation method - We use the daily balance method to calculate the interest on your account. This method applies a daily periodic rate to the principal in the account each day. Accrual of interest on noncash deposits - Interest begins to accrue no later than the business day we receive credit for the deposit of noncash items (for example, checks).

Other Limitations - High volume accounts are subject to cost analysis.

  • A $0.30 per item fee will be charged for each debit exceeding a quantity of 150 each statement cycle;
  • A $1.50 per item fee will be charged for each credit exceeding a quantity of 20 each statement cycle.


Minimum balance to open the account - You must deposit $3,500.00 to open this account.

Minimum daily balance to earn interest - $3,500.00 (No interest earned on days the balance falls below $3,500.00).

Minimum balance to avoid imposition of monthly service charge - A service charge fee of $12.00 will be imposed every statement cycle if the balance in the account falls below $3,500.00 on any day of the cycle.

Rate Information - Your interest rate and annual percentage yield may change. This account is a tiered-rate account. The interest rate and annual percentage yield for your account depends upon the applicable rate tier.

Frequency of rate changes - We may change the interest rate on your account at any time.

Determination of rate - At our discretion, we may change the interest rate on your account.

Compounding and crediting frequency - Interest will not be compounded. Interest will be credited to your account every month.

Effect of closing an account - If you close your account before interest is credited, you will not receive the accrued interest.

Minimum balance to obtain the annual percentage yield disclosed - You must maintain a minimum balance of $3,500.00 in the account each day to obtain the disclosed annual percentage yield.

Daily balance computation method - We use the daily balance method to calculate the interest on your account. This method applies a daily periodic rate to the collected balance in the account each day.

Accrual of interest on noncash deposits - Interest begins to accrue no later than the business day we receive credit for the deposit of noncash items (for example, checks).


Minimum balance to open the account - You must deposit $10,000.00 to open this account.

Minimum daily balance to earn interest - $10,000.00 (No interest earned on days the balance falls below $10,000.00).

Minimum balance to avoid imposition of monthly service charge - A service charge fee of $17.00 will be imposed every statement cycle if the balance in the account falls below $10,000.00 on any day of the cycle.

Minimum balance to obtain the annual percentage yield disclosed - You must maintain a minimum balance of $10,000.00 in the account each day to obtain the disclosed annual percentage yield.

Rate Information - Your interest rate and annual percentage yield may change. This account is a tiered-rate account. The interest rate and annual percentage yield for your account depends upon the applicable rate tier.

Frequency of rate changes - We may change the interest rate on your account at any time.

Determination of rate - At our discretion, we may change the interest rate on your account.

Compounding and crediting frequency - Interest will not be compounded. Interest will be credited to your account every month.

Effect of closing an account - If you close your account before interest is credited, you will not receive the accrued interest.

Daily balance computation method - We use the daily balance method to calculate the interest on your account. This method applies a daily periodic rate to the collected balance in the account each day.

Accrual of interest on noncash deposits - Interest begins to accrue no later than the business day we receive credit for the deposit of noncash items (for example, checks).


Minimum balance to open the account - You must deposit $2,500.00 to open this account.

Minimum daily balance to earn interest - $10,000.00 (No interest earned on days the balance falls below $10,000.00).

Minimum balance to avoid imposition of monthly service charge - A service charge fee of $20.00 will be imposed every statement cycle if the balance in the account falls below $2,500.00 any day of the cycle.

Minimum balance to obtain the annual percentage yield disclosed - You must maintain a minimum balance of $10,000.00 in the account each day to obtain the disclosed annual percentage yield.

Rate Information - Your interest rate and annual percentage yield may change. This account is a tiered-rate account. The interest rate and annual percentage yield for your account depends upon the applicable rate tier.

Frequency of rate changes - We may change the interest rate on your account at any time.

Determination of rate - At our discretion, we may change the interest rate on your account.

Compounding and crediting frequency - Interest will not be compounded. Interest will be credited to your account every month.

Effect of closing an account - If you close your account before interest is credited, you will not receive the accrued interest.

Daily balance computation method - We use the daily balance method to calculate the interest on your account. This method applies a daily periodic rate to the principal in the account each day.

Accrual of interest on noncash deposits - Interest begins to accrue no later than the business day we receive credit for the deposit of noncash items (for example, checks).


Minimum balance to open the account - You must deposit $200.00 to open this account.

Minimum balance to avoid imposition of monthly service charge - A service charge fee of $5.00 will be imposed every statement cycle if the balance in the account falls below $1,000.00 any day of the cycle.

Rate Information - Your interest rate and annual percentage yield may change. Frequency of rate changes - We may change the interest rate on your account at any time.

Determination of rate - At our discretion, we may change the interest rate on your account.

Compounding and crediting frequency - Interest will not be compounded. Interest will be credited to your account every month.

Effect of closing an account - If you close your account before interest is credited, you will not receive the accrued interest.

Daily balance computation method - We use the daily balance method to calculate the interest on your account. This method applies a daily periodic rate to the collected balance in the account each day.

Accrual of interest on noncash deposits - Interest begins to accrue no later than the business day we receive credit for the deposit of noncash items (for example, checks).


For current deposit rates you may contact any of our branches or call 800-298-1775.


Refer to your Certificate of Deposit for complete details.

Rate Information - The interest rate on your account is —————% with an annual percentage yield of —————%. You will be paid this rate until first maturity.

Compounding frequency - On Certificate of Deposit accounts: Interest will not be compounded. Interest will be credited to your account every quarter or at maturity. Individual Retirement Certificate of Deposit accounts: interest is compounded daily and credited every quarter.

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