Business Bill Pay Disclosure

Community West Bank Business Bill Pay Disclaimer



- means these terms and conditions of the Bill Payment Services.

“Bill Payment Service Provider” - refers to the contractor, sub-contractor, or provider of our Bill Payment and Delivery Services, CheckFree Services Corporation.

"Biller" is the person or entity to which you wish a bill payment to be directed or is the person or entity from which you receive electronic bills, as the case may be.

"Billing Account" is the checking account from which all Service fees will be automatically debited.

"Business Day" is every Monday through Friday, excluding Federal Reserve holidays.

Business Day Cutoff Refers to the cut-off time for posting purposes. The cut-off time for online transactions is based upon our Business Days and the Pacific Time (PST) Zone. For posting purposes,
we will process all transactions completed by 9:00 PM (PST) on the same Business Day. Transactions completed after 9:00 PM (PST) will be processed on the following Business Day. Bill Payment cut-off and scheduling times differ and are further detailed in this Agreement.

 “Due Date” is the date reflected on your Biller statement for which the payment is due; it is not the late date or grace period.

Laser Draft Payment - is a payment method similar to a check written by you on your Payment Account. Billers should receive Laser Draft Payments no later than the Scheduled Payment Date. Funds
remitted to the Biller are deducted from your Payment Account when the Laser Draft is presented to this Financial Institution for payment.

As a result, neither this Financial Institution nor its Service Provider(s) can control when your Payment Account will be debited for a Laser Draft Payment.

 “Payment Account” - is the checking account from which Bill Payments will be debited. You must be a legal owner of any Payment Account registered for the Service.

“Payment Instructions” - is the information provided by you to the Service for a Bill Payment to be made to the Biller (such as, but not limited to, Biller name, Biller account number, and Scheduled Payment Date).

“Scheduled Payment” - is a payment that has been scheduled through the Service but has not begun processing.

“Scheduled Payment Date” - is the day you want your Biller to receive your Bill Payment and is also the day your Payment Account will be debited (other than Laser Draft Payments, as described above), unless the Scheduled Payment Date falls on a non-Business Day in which case it will be considered to be the previous Business Day.

 “Service” - means Bill Payment Services offered by Community West Bank through its
Service Providers.

“Service Guarantee” - the amount this Financial Institution's Service Providers will bear responsibility for in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement should a Bill Payment post after its Due Date.

“Service Provider” - includes any agent, licensor, independent contractor or subcontractor that
this Financial Institution may involve in the provision of Bill Payment and electronic Bill Delivery Services.


The earliest possible Scheduled Payment Date for each Biller (typically four (4) or fewer Business Days from the current date) will be designated within the Service when you are scheduling the payment. Therefore, the Service will not permit you to select a Scheduled Payment Date less than the earliest
possible Scheduled Payment Date designated for each Biller.

When scheduling payments you must select a Scheduled Payment Date that is not later than the actual Due Date reflected on your Biller statement unless the Due Date falls on a non-Business Day.

If the actual Due Date falls on a non-Business Day, you must select a Scheduled Payment Date that is at least one (1) Business Day before the actual Due Date.

Scheduled Payment Dates must be prior to any late date or grace period.


Due to circumstances beyond the control of the Service, particularly delays in handling and posting payments by Billers or financial institutions, some transactions may take longer to be credited to your account. The Service will bear responsibility for any late payment related charges up to $50.00 should a payment post after its Due Date as long as the payment was scheduled in accordance with the guidelines described under "Payment Scheduling" in this Agreement.


You represent and warrant that you are acting with full authority for the applying entity, and that you are duly authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of the applying entity. By providing the Service with names and account information of Billers to whom you wish to direct payments, you authorize the Service to follow the Payment Instructions that it receives through the payment system.

In order to process payments more efficiently and effectively, the Service may edit or alter payment data or data formats in accordance with Biller directives.

When the Service receives a Payment Instruction, you authorize the Service to debit your Payment Account and remit funds on your behalf so that the funds arrive as close as reasonably possible to the Scheduled Payment Date designated by you.

You also authorize the Service to credit your Payment Account for payments returned to the Service by the United States Postal Service or Biller, or payments remitted to you on behalf of another authorized user of the Service.

The Service will use its best efforts to make all your payments properly. However, the Service shall incur no liability and any Service Guarantee shall be void if the Service is unable to complete any payments initiated by you because of the existence of any one or more of the following circumstances:

  1. If, through no fault of the Service, your Payment Account does not contain sufficient funds to complete the transaction or the transaction would exceed the credit limit of your overdraft account;
  2. The payment processing center is not working properly and you know or have been advised by the Service about the malfunction before you execute the transaction;
  3. You have not provided the Service with the correct Payment Account information, or the
    correct name, address, phone number, or account information for the Biller; and/or,
  4. Circumstances beyond control of the Service (such as, but not limited to, fire, flood,
    or interference from an outside force) prevent the proper execution of the transaction and the Service has taken reasonable precautions to avoid those circumstances.

Provided none of the foregoing exceptions are applicable, if the Service causes an incorrect amount of funds to be removed from your Payment Account or causes funds from your Payment Account to be directed to a Biller which does not comply with your Payment Instructions, the Service shall be responsible for returning the improperly transferred funds to your Payment Account, and for
directing to the proper Biller any previously misdirected transactions, and, if applicable, for any late payment related charges.


The Service reserves the right to select the method in which to remit funds on your behalf to your Biller. These payment methods may include, but may not be limited to, an electronic payment, an electronic to check payment, or a laser draft payment (funds remitted to the Biller are deducted from your Payment Account when the laser draft is presented to your financial institution for payment).


You may cancel or edit any Scheduled Payment (if processing has not begun) by following the directions within the Service. There is no charge for canceling or editing a Scheduled Payment.

However, once the Service has begun processing a Scheduled Payment it cannot be cancelled or edited, therefore a stop payment request must be submitted, as described within this Agreement, and a charge may be assessed.


You may cancel or edit a Scheduled Payment up until the time that payment processing begins. There is no charge for canceling or editing a Scheduled Payment. However, once the Service has begun processing a payment, it cannot be cancelled or edited and a stop payment request must be submitted as described within this agreement, and a charge may be assessed.

We must have a reasonable opportunity to act upon any stop payment request made after payment processing has begun.  The ability of Community West Bank and its Service Provider to
process a stop payment on a Bill Payment request that is already in process will depend on the payment method and whether or not the payment has cleared.

If you need to place a stop payment request on any Bill Payment that has already been processed, you must contact our Customer Service department at (800)298-1775.

We will make every effort to accommodate your request but we will have no liability for failing to do so
unless the request is subject to the provisions contained in your depository account agreement or applicable law as it pertains to pre-authorized EFTs.

We may also require you to present your stop payment request in writing within fourteen (14) days from the date the request is made. The charge for each stop payment request will be the current charge for such Service as set forth in our applicable fee schedule.

If we complete a stop payment request on your behalf, Bill Payment privileges may be suspended pending recovery of funds by our Service Provider(s).


Payments to Billers outside of the United States or its territories are prohibited through the Service. Payments to Internet gambling sites are also prohibited through the Service.


Tax payments and court ordered payments may be scheduled through the Service; however, such payments are discouraged and are scheduled at your own risk. In no event shall this Financial Institution or its Service Provider(s) be liable for any claims or damages resulting from your scheduling of these types of payments.

The Bill Payment Service Guarantee as it applies to any late payment related charges is void when these types of payments are scheduled and/or processed by the Service. Research of exception payments shall be limited to proof of payment and/or unauthorized payments only. All other research and resolution for any misapplied, misposted or misdirected exception payments will be your sole responsibility.


This feature is for the presentment of electronic bills only and it is your sole responsibility to contact your Billers directly if you do not receive your statements. In addition, if you elect to activate one of the Service's electronic bill options, you also agree to the following:

Information provided to the Biller - The Service is unable to update or change your personal information such as, but not limited to, name, address, phone numbers and e-mail addresses, with the electronic Biller. Any changes will need to be made by contacting the Biller directly.

Additionally it is your responsibility to maintain all usernames and passwords for all electronic Biller sites. You also agree not to use someone else's information to gain unauthorized access to another person's bill.

The Service may, at the request of the Biller, provide to the Biller your e-mail address, Service address, or other data specifically requested by the Biller at the time of activating the electronic bill for that Biller, for purposes of the Biller informing you about Service and/or bill information.

Activation - Upon activation of the electronic bill feature the Service may notify the Biller of your request to receive electronic billing information. The presentment of your first electronic bill may vary from Biller to Biller and may take up to sixty (60) days, depending on the billing cycle of each Biller.

Additionally, the ability to receive a paper copy of your statement(s) is at the sole discretion of the Biller. While your electronic bill feature is being activated it is your responsibility to keep your accounts current. Each electronic Biller reserves the right to accept or deny your request to receive electronic bills.

Authorization to obtain bill data - Your activation of the electronic bill feature for a Biller shall be deemed by us to be your authorization for us to obtain bill data from the Biller on your behalf. For some Billers, you will be asked to provide us with your user name and password for that Biller. By providing us with such information, you authorize us to use the information to obtain your bill data.

Notification –  Our Bill Payment Service Provider will use its best efforts to present all of your electronic bills promptly. In addition to notification within the Service, our Service Provider may send an e-mail notification to the e-mail address listed for your account. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that this information is accurate.

In the event you do not receive notification, it is your responsibility to periodically logon to the Service and check on the delivery of new electronic bills. The time for notification may vary from Biller to Biller. You are responsible for ensuring timely payment of all bills.

Cancellation of electronic bill notification - The electronic Biller reserves the right to cancel the presentment of electronic bills at any time. You may also cancel electronic bill presentment at any time. The timeframe for cancellation of your electronic bill presentment may vary from Biller to Biller.

It may take up to sixty (60) days, depending on the billing cycle of each Biller. Our Bill Payment Service Provider will notify your electronic Biller(s) as to the change in status of your account and it is your sole responsibility to make arrangements for an alternative form of bill delivery. We will not be responsible for presenting any electronic bills that are already in process at the time of cancellation.

Non-Delivery of electronic bill(s) - You agree to hold harmless Community West Bank and its Service Providers should the Biller fail to deliver your statement(s). You are responsible for ensuring timely payment of all bills. Copies of previously delivered bills must be requested from the
Biller directly.

Accuracy and dispute of electronic bill – Neither Community West Bank nor its Service Providers are responsible for the accuracy of your electronic bill(s). Community West Bank and its Service Providers are only responsible for presenting the information received from the Biller. Any discrepancies or disputes regarding the accuracy of your electronic bill summary or detail must be addressed with the Biller directly.

This Agreement does not alter your liability or obligations that currently exist between you and your Billers.




You agree not to give or make available your password or other means to access your account to any unauthorized individuals. You are responsible for all payments you authorize using the Service. If you permit other persons to use the Service or your password or other means to access your account, you are responsible for any transactions they authorize.

If you believe that your password or other means to access your account has been lost or stolen or that someone may attempt to use the Service without your consent or has transferred money without your permission, you must notify Community West Bank at once by calling 800-298-1775 during customer service hours.


If you believe that your Password or other means to access your account has been lost or stolen or that someone may attempt to use the Bill Payment Service without your consent or has transferred money without your permission, you must notify us at once by calling (800)298-1775 during customer service hours. You can also contact us by sending a secure message through the Internet Banking

If you or your Authorized users disclose your Password to anyone, and/or if you allow someone to use your Password to access your accounts, you are authorizing them to act on your behalf and you will be responsible for any use of the BILL PAYMENT Service by them (e.g., such as when you provide this information to a joint account holder, an employee, an aggregation service provider, or when your personal computer is compromised by a key stroke Logging virus or any other type of malware).

You agree that we may send notices and other communications, including Password change confirmations, to the current address shown in our records, whether or not that address includes a designation for delivery to the attention of any particular individual.


In case of errors or questions about your transactions, you should as soon as possible notify us via one of the following:

  • Telephone us at (800)298-1775 during customer service hours Mon-Thrs 8:30am-5:00pm, Fri 8:30am-5:30pm.
  • Contact us by using the secure messaging feature within the Service; or
  • Write to us at Community West Bank, 7100 N. Financial Drive Ste. 101, Fresno, CA 93720

If you think your statement is incorrect or you need more information about an electronic transfer or Bill Payment transaction listed on the statement, we must hear from you no later than sixty (60) days after the date the FIRST statement was sent to you on which the problem or error appears. You must:

  1. Tell us your name and Service account number;
  2. Describe the error or the transaction in question, and explain as clearly as possible why you believe it is an error or why you need more information; and,
  3. Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error.

If you tell us verbally, we may require that you send your complaint in writing within ten (10) Business Days after your verbal notification. We will tell you the results of our investigation within ten (10) Business Days after we hear from you, and will correct any error promptly.

However, if we require more time to confirm the nature of your complaint or question, we reserve the right to take up to forty-five (45) days to complete our investigation.

If we decide to do this, we will provisionally credit your Payment Account within ten (10) Business Days for the amount you think is in error. If we ask you to submit your complaint or question in writing and we do not receive it within ten (10) Business Days, we may not provisionally credit your Payment Account.

If it is determined there was no error we will mail you a written explanation within three (3) Business Days after completion of our investigation. You may ask for copies of documents used in our investigation. Community West Bank may revoke any provisional credit provided to you if we find an error did not occur.


It is our general policy to treat your account information as confidential. However, we will disclose information to third parties about your account or the transactions you make ONLY in the following situations:

  1. Where it is necessary for completing transactions;
  2. Where it is necessary for activating additional Services;
  3. In order to verify the existence and condition of your account to a third party, such as a credit bureau or Biller;
  4. To a consumer reporting agency for research purposes only;
  5. In order to comply with a governmental agency or court orders; or,
  6. If you give us your written permission.


Any applicable fees will be charged regardless of whether the Service was used during the billing cycle. There may be a charge for additional transactions and other optional Services. You agree to pay such charges and authorize the Service to deduct the calculated amount from your designated Billing Account for these amounts and any additional charges that may be incurred by you. Any financial fees associated with your standard deposit accounts will continue to apply.

You are responsible for any and all telephone access fees and/or Internet Service fees that may be assessed by your telephone and/or Internet Service provider.


In using the Service, you are requesting us to make payments for you from your Payment Account. If we are unable to complete the transaction for any reason associated with your Payment Account (for example, there are insufficient funds in your Payment Account to cover the transaction), the transaction will not be completed. In some instances, you will receive a return notice from the Service Provider. In such case, you agree that:

  • You will reimburse our Service Provider immediately upon demand for the transaction amount that has been returned;
  • For any amount not reimbursed to the Service Provider within fifteen (15) days of the initial notification, a late charge may be assessed each month against unpaid amounts equal to 1.5% or the legal maximum, whichever rate is lower;
  • You will reimburse our Service Provider for any fees, it may incur in attempting to collect the amount of the return from you; and

Our Service Provider is authorized to report the facts concerning the return to any credit- reporting agency.


In using the Service, you understand that Billers and/or the United States Postal Service may return Bill Payments to our Service Provider for various reasons such as, but not limited to, Biller's forwarding address expired; Biller account number is not valid; Biller is unable to locate account; or Biller account is paid in full.

Our Service Provider will use its best efforts to research and correct the returned payment and return it to your Biller, or void the payment and credit your Payment Account. You may receive notification from the Service of returned payments.


This Agreement, applicable fees and Service charges may be altered or amended by the Service from time to time. In such event, the Service shall provide notice to you. Any use of the Service after the Service provides you a notice of change will constitute your agreement to such change(s).

Further, the Service may, from time to time, revise or update the applications, Services, and/or related material, which may render all such prior versions obsolete. Consequently, the Service reserves the right to terminate this Agreement as to all such prior versions of the applications, Services, and/or related material and limit access to only the Service's more recent revisions and updates. In addition, as part of the Service, you agree to receive all legally required notifications via electronic means.


It is your sole responsibility to ensure that the contact information in your user profile is current and accurate. This includes, but is not limited to, name, address, phone numbers and email addresses. Changes can be made either within the application or by contacting Customer Service.

Any changes in your Payment Account should also be made in accordance with the procedures outlined within the application's Help files. All changes made are effective immediately for scheduled and future payments paid from the updated Payment Account information. Community West Bank is not responsible for any payment processing errors or fees incurred if you do not provide accurate Payment Account or contact information.


In the event you wish to cancel the Service, you may have the ability to do so through the product, or you may contact customer Service via one of the following:

  1. Telephone us at 800-298-1775 during customer Service hours Mon-Thrs 8:30am-5:00pm,  Fri 8:30am-5:30pm;
  2. Write us at:

           Community West Bank
          Customer Service
          7100 N. Financial Drive, Ste. 101
          Fresno, CA 93720

Any payment(s) the Service has already processed before the requested cancellation date will be completed by the Service. All Scheduled Payments including recurring payments will not be processed once the Service is cancelled. The Service may terminate or suspend Service to you at any time. Neither termination nor suspension shall affect your liability or obligations under this Agreement.


The Service reserves the right to refuse to pay any Biller to whom you may direct a payment. The Service will notify you promptly if it decides to refuse to pay a Biller designated by you. This notification is not required if you attempt to make a prohibited payment or an exception payment under this Agreement.


In using the Service, you understand that Billers and/or the United States Postal Service may return payments to the Service for various reasons such as, but not limited to, Biller's forwarding address expired; Biller account number is not valid; Biller is unable to locate account; or Biller account is paid in full.

The Service will use its best efforts to research and correct the returned payment and return it to your Biller, or void the payment and credit your Payment Account. You may receive notification from the Service.


Your enrollment in the Service may not be fulfilled if the Service cannot verify your identity or other necessary information. In order to verify ownership of the Payment Account(s) and/or Billing Account, the Service may issue offsetting debits and credits to the Payment Account(s) and/or Billing Account, and require confirmation of such from you.

Through your enrollment in the Service, you agree that the Service reserves the right to request a review of your credit rating at its own expense through an authorized bureau. In addition, you agree that the Service reserves the right to obtain financial information regarding your account from a Biller or your financial institution (for example, to resolve payment posting problems or for verification).


Neither Community West Bank, nor its Service Providers are responsible for the accuracy of your electronic bill(s). Community West Bank and its Service Providers are only responsible for presenting the information received from the Biller. Any discrepancies or disputes regarding the accuracy of your electronic bill summary or detail must be addressed with the Biller directly.

This Agreement does not alter your liability or obligations that currently exist between you and your Billers.

In the event of a dispute regarding the Service, you and the Service agree to resolve the dispute by looking to this Agreement. You agree that this Agreement is the complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between you and the Service which supersedes any proposal or prior agreement, oral or written, and any other communications between you and the Service relating to the subject matter of this Agreement.

If there is a conflict between what an employee of the Service or Customer Service Department says and the terms of this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement will prevail.


You may not assign this Agreement to any other party. We may assign this Agreement in our sole discretion. We may also assign or delegate certain of our rights and responsibilities under this agreement to independent contractors or other third parties.


Community West Bank and its Service Providers shall not be deemed to have waived any of our rights or remedies hereunder unless such waiver is in writing and signed by us. No delay or
omission in exercising any rights or remedies shall operate as a waiver of such rights or remedies or any other rights or remedies. A waiver on any one occasion shall not be construed as a bar or waiver of any rights or remedies on future occasions.


The captions of sections hereof are for convenience only and shall not control or affect the meaning or construction of any of the provisions of this Agreement.


This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Georgia, without regard to its conflicts of laws provisions. To the extent that the terms of this Agreement conflict with applicable state or federal law, such state or federal law shall
replace such conflicting terms only to the extent required by law. Unless expressly stated otherwise, all other terms of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.


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