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Optimize Your Financial Operations

Cash Management

Efficient Banking and Exceptional Service

Managing your business cash flow has never been easier! You are never alone with Private Business Banking Cash Management services from Community West Bank. Our team of specialists will help custom-tailor Cash Management services so you can manage your business banking and cash flow online anywhere, anytime. Partner with us to streamline your business processes, optimize returns and automate everyday tasks to ensure cost-effective management of your cash and working capital – all so you can focus on what matters most: your business.

Business Online Banking Cash Management Video

  • Manage payroll & direct deposit
  • Create ACH originations
  • Make EFTPS federal tax payments
  • Make domestic & international wire requests
  • Move funds from multiple sites into a single account
  • Deposit your customers' checks with Remote Deposit
  • Utilize Merchant Card Services
  • Utilize Positive Pay services

ACH Credits/Debits

ACH credit and debit origination is an efficient alternative to paper checks, utilizing electronic transfer of funds between financial institutions to pay to or collect from consumers or other businesses.  

Direct Deposit/Payroll

Direct Deposit of payroll provides many benefits to your business including reduced costs and increased efficiency. There are fewer checks to print and store, lost and stolen checks are eliminated, potential for errors is reduced since Direct Deposit requires less manual handling of checks, and fraud is reduced because there is less potential for counterfeit checks. Employees enjoy the convenience of receiving their paycheck without having to make a trip to the bank, which is an extra benefit when they are on vacation, sick or out of town on business.

Tax Payments

State Tax Information

Franchise Tax Board EFT Agreement (PDF 226KB)

Use this form to register for participation in the EFT program, change the bank account you use for EFT transactions, change your EFT payment method or change your contact information.

Federal Tax Information
Please contact (800) 605-9876

Domestic and International Wires

Domestic and international wire transfers may be initiated online.

Wire transfers are used to securely move funds from one financial institution to another with the recipient typically receiving the credit the same day as long as the transfer request was placed before a specified cut-off time. Business Online Banking enables you to submit requests for both domestic and international wires from your desktop. Wire requests submitted online are discounted by $10 from the standard outgoing wire fee.

Remote Deposit

Community West Bank is pleased to offer Remote Deposit to our Business Banking customers. Remote Deposit is a check processing tool that allows you to deposit checks electronically without having to bring them to a physical branch for deposit. Utilizing a desktop scanner, provided by the Bank, you can scan checks received from customers and issue deposits electronically to the bank, anytime day or night. It is the most convenient way to turn check deposits into cash!


With Remote Deposit, you get the following benefits:

  • Online speed and convenience
  • Scan and submit checks for deposit 24/7
  • Less time preparing deposits
  • Consolidation of funds from remote locations
  • Reduced risk of check fraud
  • Reduced courier fees and trips to the bank!

How does Remote Deposit work?

  1. Receive a check from your customer
  2. Scan the check at your office using a scanner provided by Community West Bank
  3. The check image is captured and processed electronically
  4. Your deposit is electronically made and available in your designated Community West Bank account the next business day!

What do you need in order to access Remote Deposit?

  • A PC with a Bank supported operating system and web browser, and an open USB 2.0 port
  • A supported desktop check scanner (provided by the Bank)
  • A high-speed Internet connection
  • A business account established at Community West Bank

Positive Pay

Positive Pay from Community West Bank is a powerful tool in helping to protect against check fraud. The basics of Positive Pay are simple – when you issue a batch of checks through your accounting program, the specifics of those checks are recorded and exported from your accounting program and imported to the Positive Pay system.

As these checks are deposited or cashed, the bank compares the details of the check to the details you provided when the check was issued. If differences or discrepancies are found, the check is flagged and placed in the Positive Pay exceptions list for you to review. You can then determine whether the check should be paid or rejected, based on your review.

The ACH Positive Pay functionality allows you to set up rules to both pre-authorize specific ACH transactions and to monitor for ACH transactions that match specific guidelines. The system will then flag ACH transactions that fall outside of these rules. 


 Positive Pay Interactive Demo

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